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Hi everyone, Be safe and happy reading!!! sorry for posting this late!!!

again not proofread, ignore grammatical and typing errors

Wearing white sleeveless shirt and black track trousers with a black characteristic mask on her face, looking breath-taking, she was the only female cop standing at the starting line of a large open running field along with 9 stronger, double physiqued fully trained agents including Raghav, while a tyre equal in their weight was placed behind and a thick rope crossing through their chest and upper arms was tied to the tyre at their back with its both ends. Standing on bit higher platform in front of the field, Aarav announced on mike, "This is the competition of Physical strength agents. It will be constituted of three steps, in first step you have to compete with these heavy tyres attached with you. In second step, immediately after this you have to compete in swimming and in third and most crucial step you have to knock down all other 9 agents in wrestling ring. Are you ready Miss...." he was about to take her name when Haseena shook her head sideways stopping him so he completed, "Are you ready Miss X?" Hearing a strange superwoman type name for her, she could not help but chuckle and nodded giving thumbs up.

With Aarav's gunshot, a woman's struggle of marking her presence, of proving her strength, of crushing male arrogance and of telling the whole world about her undefeated determination, finally started. Ironically as much as unique and adventurous that race is, between one untrained female cop and 9 fully trained male agents, it is equally simple and ordinary like those countless struggles every woman does day and night for her survival in today's male dominant society. She was in the middle of the path she had to cover first while almost five of nine are ahead of her and Raghav was on first position, she is not used to of such heavy weight lifting, her body is draining in energy but then Raghav's words hit her back and her unbeatable determination overpowered her draining energy. Holding the ropes of the tyre behind her with her both hands, "AAAAAAAA!!!!!" she screamed and putting all her energy in using her hands to pull tyre towards finishing line along with increasing her speed and just 3 seconds before Raghav hit the finishing line, she had surpassed him much to Raghav's hate and Aarav's surprise.

As the three competitions needs to be done consecutively, so without wasting a second, all the competitors ran towards Swimming pool. As she jumped in water, her hands and legs were moving at the speed of motor wings while her mind was in a state of peak rage which had supressed all other feelings of pain in her muscles. With one goal in mind to respond Raghav's insulting words by beating him in every way, she had crossed that 100 m swimming race, 10 seconds earlier than everyone else. Moving out of pool, she had literally snatched the towel from the helper staff and walked towards wrestling ring, wiping water beads from her body which were enhancing her rage beauty to the point that half of the agents of Raghav's team had flattened on their new crush.

She was waiting for her competitors in ring, jumping and walking briskly in the ring, swishing and punching in air. Aarav who was now in audience mumbled to himself, "Raghav!! This time you had messed up at wrong place....i wish instead of me you had borne her punch perhaps you would not have done this mistake......anyways....it will be amazing to see one woman Vs. 9 strong men." In that free style fighting competition, where the only motive of Raghav and team is to knock down that strangely powerful masked Miss X, they all had surrounded her in a circle in the ring, taking their positions.

On the blew of whistle, they all jumped on her, causing her sat back down on her feet, in between those man with a sudden impact, trying to push them away using her hands. However it seems not working, sitting on her legs, she had circularized her one legs at an angle of 180 degree, hitting half of the men on her left side at their legs causing them to misbalanced and fall on each other. At once standing up, she faced the four who were still standing, bringing her arm with a full impact through an angle of 180 degree she had slapped the one standing at extreme right who was about to punch her and he fell sway on the ring. Raghav and the two others, moved towards her with their punches, when she had taken two steps backwards and using her calf muscles, she had lifted her body in the air doing a upward flip while rotating herself fully at 360 degrees and just before landing, he had kicked the two agents right in front of her with her both legs who flew away and landed out of the ring. Earlier five agents whom she had made to fall by misbalancing them, stood up and was staring her with wide open mouths even Raghav left dumbstruck for a minute before his ego and anger over took him and he had gestured his agents to attack her.

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