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Hi everyone!!! 

Warning: I have never written anything this painful, before that in my whole life.......following part is not for weak hearts, please don't read if you can't bear it...It was the demand of the track I had already constructed so I had to write it this way though I had tried to cut it short and limit it to one part apologies in advance.......Take it as just a piece of writing, I am with no intention of hurting anyone's emotions.......and trust me I will compensate for all the pain in future parts.......if you wish to stay tuned......

Not proofread, ignore grammatical and typing errors

After dropping them to the airport, Haseena was driving towards Woman Police station in her jeep, when her wireless beeps, "Delta 1 come in! Delta 1" "Delta 1 reporting!!" she responded taking it in her hand. "An arm smuggler had escaped from Jail this morning. He had been seen in Aminabad area. Arrest him as soon as possible" "Okay, Delta 1 over!!" she responded and started looking for him in streets and markets of Aminabad. After searching for two hours, she had finally spotted him covered his head fully in black shawl, hidden in a closed corner of a deserted road at the back side of city hospital. Stopping her car a bit far from his sight, she stepped down with his gun and started moving towards him tip toed. "You are under arrest, Mr Vineet Tripathi!!!" she said putting her gun at his head. "Raise your hands and stand up!!" she commanded loudly and sharply. With raised arms, he slowly stood up, his shawl slipped from his head and he turned around and looked at her with no sign of fear, regret or anything except an evil grin on his face, "your end brings you here Ms Malik!!!" "Right now, you should worry about yourself.......Move!!" she roared angrily pushing him with her gun towards the jeep. Just then her phone ran, she looked at the caller Id, "Shalini!!!" then she looked at Vineet Tripathi who was giving her a smirking look. Glaring him, she put the phone on her ear, "bark idiot!!!" "Whoa!!! What a sweet gesture of greeting hmm!! You know you are just a puppet in my hands and still" Veer's voice came from other side and her facial expression turned from anger to irritation, "I am hoping that this time you have something solid than those childish electric shocks to break me!!!" she responded with composed voice and deep mysterious eyes, straight hitting at his ego. "Oh so you think it's childish!!! Let me blast one from two and show you massacre of hundreds of innocents." Veer roared expecting her to beg in front of him once again, he love to see. "Done!! or there is something more...." Her casual response had angered him and he replied with gritted teeth, strict and threatening roar, "You will not arrest Vineet Tripathi, Let him go otherwise you know what I can do." Her eyes were spitting fire, her fists were clenched tightly as she had put back her phone in her pocket. In her anger she fired two bullets in air right beside his ear, wiping away that evil smirk from his face, "Don't ever think that you and your Boss could use me for longer time. Very soon I will escape from his hold and he will find handcuffs in his hands," she warned him with fire gazing eyes and loud voice before letting him go, "Run!!! Run!!! As far as you can!!!" she said with pointing gun at him. He once looked at the gun in her hands and then at her face and without wasting any single second, he started running insanely escaping for his life without looking bag at full speed. As he turned to run, Haseena had mysteriously swished her punch in air one time before aiming gun at him and started shooting at his left, right and above intentionally scaring him to his wits causing him to run fast like a race horse who was running with the fear of whip.

Letting him go, with her frustration on its peak, she reached to Woman Police Station but was shocked to find bunch of reporters at its gate throwing some questions at commissioner of Lukhnow who was clearly getting offended and unable to answer their questions, "Now what is waiting more for me?" she mumbled and stepped down from jeep. As soon as reporter saw her there, they left him and ran towards her, bombarded her with their brutal questions. "Haseena madam!!! Is this right that you had sold your conscience in 50 Lacs?" a reporter asked shocking him to her core. "What? Are you out of your mind?" she suddenly roared with her wide open eyes. "Don't fool us, madam we have your bank statement in which 50 Lacs had been deposited this morning. Don't you feel ashamed of selling yourself?" a female reporter had loudly and rudely thrown another question on her. "Look, you are seriously mistaking....i had done nothing." "Then what you have to say about this recording?" another male reporter asked playing a voice recording in his phone

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