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Hi everyone, Following part is not proofread so ignore grammatical errors and typing mistakes.  I hope you will enjoy it too.

Sandhya was sitting on sofa with her head in her palms, fed up of the chaos around her. Anubhav and Veer was standing on opposite sides of Lounge, facing each other where Veer was laying out Haseena's character sketch and Anubhav was trying to stop him, unable to hear abusing words against his love. "This is her piousness about which you all are head over heels in love with. Sandhya, I am surprised of you, you wanted a disgusting, scandalous girl to be your daughter-in-law." Before Sandhya could respond, Anu intervened with gritted teeth and suppressing anger, "Dad, please, you have no right to bad mouth her." "I have no right, really Anu? and what she did, was justified?....." Veer's shouting words were interrupted by Anubhav's phone ring. He looked at the screen and found Haseena's name flashing on it. He forwarded his thumb to swipe up the red button and shifted his gaze towards Veer but unknown to him his thumb had swiped green button as a result picking up the call, "Greetings Sir?" Haseena added only to hear Veer's shouts and against her better judgement she decided to stay connected to hear its reason.

"She is a characterless woman who only loves money nothing else and she is doing it since her teenage. Earlier she had entrapped her Uncle for money and now she is trapping you. Who knows what kind of relationship she had with her uncle. And this video clip, who knows how many such disgusting relationships she had in past........bloody gold- digger....i will never ever let a porn-star like her to be near my kids, let alone including her in my family...... " Veer was shouting and spitting venom from his mouth which had stung Haseena adversely and all her composure until then had flown away in Veer's anger. "Enough dad enough!!!" Anubhav roared with his enraged face. Other side, Haseena's condition worsen, tears streamed her eyes endlessly and she was getting short of breath. All her composure she was holding until then had flown away in Veer's poisonous words and she hung up and started crying bitterly sitting in her car only.

Anubhav, on the other hand, shouted, "If it was someone else in place of you, he would not have stood straight in front of me after this. You had fallen too low Dad, I had never expected this from you....." his voice choked in his throat. "And Haseena, how can you judge her on the basis of a fake video clip....her character is cleaner than a glass.....you had not even left a pious father-daughter relationship.....how can you even think like that? I had never expected this from you. Thank God, Haseena had not heard anything like that, you know how much she respect you, she would have broken down terribly after this...." Anubhav was shouting angrily while Veer just rolled his eyes exasperated of him and settled on the sofa. Sandhya then shouted a bit loudly, "Stop it!!! let's wait and I am sure truth will be out in a short while....." Hearing her, Anubhav went away in his room angrily.

Haseena was in her car, head rested on her head rest of driving seat, eyes red and puffy, face tear stricken and brain filled with abusive words of Veer and accusing eyes of her own mother. Her phone rang, seeing it's screen flashing with 'Karishma Singh', she had taken a deep breath, wiped her tears and picked it up, "Hello!!!" "Madam Sir, i....wait....are you crying??? Why? What happened?" Karishma questioned her worriedly, recognizing change in her voice. "No Karishma, it's nothing like that, you tell me why you had called?" Haseena tried to divert her mind. "Leave that aside, I had just called to tell you that the work you had assigned had been done. Now you are going to tell me straight away, what has happened?" Karishma questioned her once again but this time sternly. "I....I had called Anubhav Sir to update him regarding the case. I think he was going to disconnect my call but accidently he picked it up....and.....and I heard your dad...." She failed to tell more than that and hung up. However, it was enough for Karishma to fuel up in anger, she at once moved out of Police station, started ignition of her bike and stormed towards Anubhav's home.

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