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Hello everyone!! Enjoy the update below!!!!

She ran to Anubhav who was in Haseena's cabin touching and seeing everything she once used, to feel her. "Bhayya! I had found it where is madam sir." She shouted hearing which everyone ran to her, "where! Please Behna tell Me." he asked with her emotions on her sleeves and breath stuck in his windpipe. "Bhayya! My informer had just told me that he had seen madam sir leaving Lukhnow in Taxi. He said he is coming bringing that taxi driver here." "Great job Karishma! What we all were unable to do even after our so many desperate attempts you did it," Anubhav replied.

They all were anxiously waiting for his arrival Anubhav Singh had asked her sister a hundred times, where he is until he reached there. "Where is Haseena Malik?" he instantly throws a question at him. "Who? I don't know any Haseena." Driver said. Anubhav was about to hit him but Karishma stopped, "Stop Bhayya! Show him her picture he doesn't recognize her, he is not from Lukhnow." Anubhav nodded and showed him a picture, "this! She had sat in your taxi three days ago. Where you had dropped her?" He asked. "Sir, nowhere. Just when we left Lukhnow, she gets fainted. Her mother was also with her and the poor woman was extremely worried but then out of nowhere, three cars came there. A jeep in the center ahead and back was high security. A middle-aged rich man came out and he took both of them with her." "Who was he? Do you know how he looked like?" She asked. "No, I had not seen him properly but it seemed that they knew each other too well and her mother was relieved seeing him." He told. "But who could he be? We had checked almost everywhere." Anubhav said. "No, I think we are missing someone..." Pushpa ji said thinking. Just then Karishma realized something. She showed him a photo from her mobile, "Look at him, was he the one?" That taxi driver saw him carefully and then replied, "It seems, he was the one but madam I am not sure." He replied and then Karishma Singh sent him away thanking him. "Karishma! Whose photo you had shown him?" Anubhav asked. "Bhayya! We are fools. How can we miss him?" she said showing him Mahipal's photo. "You are right...." Pushpa ji replied. "If she is with Mahipal ji and she had informed him about what had happened then we are in a lot more trouble than this," Anubhav replied sitting back. "You are right sir because Mahipal ji loves her too much and he would not spare those who hurt her forget letting us meet her. He would not even let us enter in his area." Pushpa ji shared her opinion. "No, I don't think he knows anything because if such was the case then until now our heads would be at his gunpoint," Karishma said. "Maybe you are right but it could also happen that Haseena ji had stopped him from doing it," Anubhav said. "But we can't sit back getting afraid. We need to take a chance even if that means facing Mahipal ji's wrath." Karishma said. "You are right. We will go there. We can't lose this chance. It would be perhaps our last chance for getting her back." Anubhav said to which everyone nodded.

"We will leave tomorrow morning. Karishma ji, Pushpa ji and me," he said. "No, I think cheetah and Santosh should also accompany us because she might not talk to us but she will definitely talk to them," Karishma said wiping away her tears. "You are right. We all will go there and I will arrange an alternative team for this Police station temporarily." Anubhav told them and all agreed. Later that night, Shorya was packing Karishma's bag while she was sitting on the bed holding Haseena and her picture where they are laughing holding each other's hands. "Karishma?" "Hmm...." She replied weekly. "Are you alright? "No, I am not......" he left the clothes there only and settled by her side. She placed her head on his shoulder getting much-needed support. "Shorya! I am too much frightened to face her. Guilt is killing me from inside. I don't know what and how to say to her." "He kissed her hand and said, "Karishma! She is Haseena Malik- Master of emotions. Until now she must have conquered the ocean of emotions and reached its other side. It is not going to be easy but if someone can do it within such a short span of time then it can be you. And in this only one thing can help you...." Karishma gestured her what. He placed her hand on her chest and said, "Your heart, immense love you have for her. Always remember, when logic fails, reasons go out of the window only love prevails." Karishma nodded, hugged him, and started crying while he was patting her back continuously to calm her down. "I don't know how much time it will take, will you be okay without me and Amma?" She asked worried for her love. He smiled and said, "It will be a lie if I say that I won't miss you but I can wait for months to get back my sweet lovely happy firebrand and I know it will only possible when you get your Haseena madam back." He replied. "I am sorry, you are suffering a lot because of this...." "Don't be........because we are together at every step of life." He said and planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

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