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Hi everyone, Be safe and Enjoy

Santosh went to cheetah's house. She was sitting on the sofa beside him putting the tiffin in front of him on the table while both pairs of eyes were red, puffy, and wet. "Cheetah, please eat something. You haven't eaten anything since last night. You will fall sick." She said forwarding a morsel towards him but he moved back refusing to take anything. He raised his eyes to look at her and his already broken heart suddenly got more restless when he saw her pale face and red eyes. "No, she is already disturbed I need to console her, mine could wait." He thought to himself, wiped away his eyes plastered a small smile on his lips, and said wiping away Santosh's tears with his own hands. She was stunned to see him suddenly forgetting his own pain just by seeing her in pain and she was forced to admire the virtues of the great man sitting in front of her. He added, "I had just eaten dinner Santu ji...." "Are you sure?" she asked and he nodded slightly. He asked mustering up his courage, "I know you had not taken anything so let me feed you with my own hands." His voice ended up a mere plead as he found himself not lucky enough to feel the bliss of taking her care. She knew it would give him some solace and today she wanted to give him some peace of mind, she nodded with her eyes. Cheetah forwarded a morsel towards her and she took it looking directly in his eyes which were saying a lot to her. "Santu ji, you should not feel bad about what madam sir has said today. I am sure she does not mean to insult you. She just wants you to excel in life. Don't get upset okay and moreover she was not wrong, we both were negligent towards duty." He tried lessening her pain while Santosh was just looking at him and his greatness. "Cheetah, you are saying this to me when madam sir had said nothing to me as compared to what she had done with you. She should not have suspended you." "No, Santu ji, she is our senior and she must have her reasons for doing this. I am not at all upset with her on this. I am ashamed of myself that I had disappointed her badly." He said and his eyes welled up. "Everything will be alright...." Santosh at once consoled him putting her hand on his shoulder and he froze at the moment. His eyes traveled from her hand on his shoulder to the care in her eyes for him and regardless of how terrible he is feeling about the whole fiasco, he could not stop himself from feeling blissful about it. They had an intense eye lock as they both could clearly see care for each other in each other's eyes in the weakest moments of their lives and unknown to them at that very moment their bond grew deeper in their hearts. 

Their moment was broken by Santosh's phone call. "Greetings Karishma madam." "Okay, I am coming." She replied and hung up. "Cheetah, Karishma madam wants to discuss my training schedule with me. I am going to Police Station and will go to quarters from there but you must take care of yourself and don't be depressed. I am sure Haseena madam will soon revoke your suspension." Santosh told him with an assuring smile to which he nodded faintly and she left his house. After she left he stood up to lock the door but suddenly dizziness overtook him and he fell back unconscious.

A few minutes later, Haseena was standing outside Cheetah's place, she took a deep breath and knocked on his door once slightly but none opened. She once again raised her hand and this time knocked it heavily, causing it to open with the push of her hand. Unable to understand why it is unlocked, she pushed the gate open with a creased forehead and got shocked to see him lying unconscious on the floor, "Cheetah!!" escaped her lips. She strode towards him, "Cheetah?? Get up? Cheetah?" she was calling him again and again, shaking him hard but to no avail. Her heart sank, a teardrop rolled down from her eyes seeing his condition. She at once ran towards the kitchen and returned within a few seconds with a glass of water. Pouring some water on her hands, she sprinkled it on his face and his eyes moved. A sudden relief spread on her face as she was seeing him slowly gaining consciousness. "Madam Sir!!" escaped his lips in shock, he could not believe his eyes, and how can she be here at his doorstep. Haseena nodded moved towards her brother, settled on her knees beside him, and supported him through his head and back to stand up, "Get up!!" Supporting his body with her hands she was making him sit on the sofa nearby carefully then she made him drink a glass of water with her own hands avoiding eye contact with him while Cheetah's heart was fluttered seeing her care for him like an elder sister, he had always craved for in his life.

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