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Hello everyone! Today I though to give you a Mega update as a thanksgiving for your immense love for my story. Enjoy the emotional and thrilling moments between karishma and Haseena!!!!

Anubhav had gone to carry out formalities for her discharge while in hospital room Haseena Malik was lied on bed and Karishma Singh was sitting by her side observing her tension and stress unable to understand its reason. "Karishma Singh! Please talk to Pushpa Ji, convince her to let me go home..." Haseena tried desperately getting up unintentionally, feeling a sudden pain, "SSSssss!!!!" and she fell back. "Madam sir!! Please hold on...." Karishma Singh said. "No, I just can't be here...i need to go...." She started getting up still moaning in pain, desperately wanted to go from there. "Madam sir!! Haseena madam!!!!" Haseena Malik wasn't listening to her and was worsening her wounds which was unacceptable for Karishma Singh and she shouted, "Enough of your nonsense now Haseena! I am literally fed up of your stubbornness. Look at the reality your whole body is shredded, you need help, support and time to heal it. First, despite of knowing intensity of danger you just jumped into the trap without even thinking twice...." Karishma Singh was shouting but Haseena Malik has had it enough and she shouted back at the top of her voice it was exactly the time Anubhav entered in room, "I did I thought of it once, twice, thrice and I can bet if I thought of it nth time then also my decision would have never changed because stakes were far greater than my life and that was you, your brother, our team my mother. What is this nonsense you all kept singing, why you did this? Why you did this? You tell me Karishma Singh When you were threatened of my life you did the same jumping into that death well without thinking twice then with which right you are saying this? And for your kind information Karishma Singh, I do left enough clues for you but in your rage you over-crossed them. I know you all love me" she said completely ignoring Anubhav's presence in room and added, "but you need to understand that I love you guys too and I have no regret I will do it thousand times if I had to for saving your life." Haseena vent out all her frustration in one go but sudden exertion had affected her lungs and brain and she started taking hitched breadths. Karishma Singh at once mellowed down including Anubahv Singh, "Haseena ji!" "Please calm down. Madam sir! It's okay relax!! I am sorry....Please....." Karishma Added trying to relax her so that her anxiety lessened. Anubhav at once gave her oxygen mask to get her lung support which helped her.

"Haseena ji! Everything is ready let's get you home after that I had to go to head-quarters." Anubhav singh added. "Sir, Your duty is more important you can carry on with it. Karishma Singh will handle it. I am sure, not on me but you must have this much trust on your sister." Haseena stated. "Of course Anu bhayya, I will handle this" Karishma said knowing how much hurt she must be with him. Anubhav Glanced at Haseena and their eyes met with each other but Haseena broke it and turned towards Karishma. Anubhav thought, "it's better I need to stay away from her to keep my sanity intact more I saw her more it felt that a part of me is with her." he thought and left from there.

Karishma held her hand kissed it and said with wet eyes, "Madam sir! You are not just my senior but my mentor, my best friend, I can bear anything but not losing you....Your Karishma is not that strong.....i need you with me to love you to fight with you to tease you and to seize criminals with you.....Please you need proper care and attention to get back to normal.....Please madam, take care of yourself." Karishma singh finished placing her head on her hands as tears streamed down from her eyes wetting her hands beneath it. This is what Haseena was dying to hear all her life, Karishma Singh's honest love confession to her. She placed her other hand on Karishma Singh's head comforting her who looked up and they shared and eye lock. Haseena Malik smiled contently seeing her charming smile but it soon changed into tension, "Karishma! I hope you would respect me in the same way as you did now after knowing all these things." She thought in mind and said, "Karishma Singh I don't want to lose your and my team's respect on me..." She said which surprised her, "Madam Sir! Why you are thinking like this? It will never happen in fact what you did recently had increased your respect manifolds not only in our but whole Nations mind and heart." Karishma Singh replied to which Haseena just nodded still doubtful.

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