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Hello everyone, how are you all? Today, I am here with a very long part for all of you..........

The next morning they were about to end breakfast when Shamila appeared, "Sarkar! Ramu had come from the village and saying there is some issue in the village which needs your immediate attention." "But today I had a very important meeting with a foreign delegate regarding water plant....Haseena why don't you go there and see their issues." He asked her. "Okay! If you say so but I want Mansi to come along," she said. "Told him that choti Sarkar will be there," Mahipal ordered her to convey a message to him. "Haseena Mansi! Is just a kid. That environment won't be good for her." Mahipal added. Haseena took a deep breath and said, "you are right she is not of age right now but she would be one day then she had to take over this and I want her to start understanding these matters from now only so that she won't be taken advantage off. Secondly, after what Datta and Genda Maa did, I don't want you to trust anyone this blindly but your own daughter. She needs to be your biggest support system." "Haseena! I don't want her childhood to be ruined under these burdens of life just like yours had once." Mahipal tried to reason with her. "I agree with him Haseena. Seeing your child getting mature before her age and still helpless to do anything........nothing is more painful for parents than this....." her eyes get wet reminiscing Haseena's childhood and even Mahipal's eyes get wet too. "Ammi!! Uncle!!" Haseena wiped their tears one by one, "I am sorry I did not mean to take you both in memory lanes but truth is that is exactly why I want Mansi to start understanding life and its complexities. I know exactly how it feels when you suddenly find yourself in front of life's harshness and that too alone. I want to save her from any such unfortunate incidents. You are right that in your and my presence no one could ever harm her anyway but what if someday we could not be with her. Come on Uncle tell me, what if God forbid something happened to you..." "Haseena!!!!" her mother shouted. "No, ammi! This is life and nothing is more unpredictable than this.....whoever had taken birth must have to my profession is there any guarantee, in the morning when we leave home we did not know if we will return safely or not.......then tell me Uncle what would have happened to her......I want you and me to train her in such a way that she not only would be able to take care of herself but this whole village just like we have done until now...." hearing her Anubhav and Karishma not only understand her pain but found her reason to be justified. Mahipal was in deep thoughts, Haseena held both hands in her, "Uncle! Look at me!!!" and directly looking at his eyes she said, "Until I have my breaths, Mansi will never be alone in any difficulty of her life and this is a daughter's promise to her father. And trust me I won't let her childhood be ruined in all this....Can you trust your Haseena this much..." She asked. He nodded and said, "With your trust, I can even give my life Haseena..." Haseena nodded and hugged him. "So, Mansi!!! Will you accompany me?" she asked looking at her. "Oh MY GOD api! I always wanted to see all this...Thank you so much.....I will just go and be ready in five minutes.." she elatedly hugged Haseena from her back and kissed her on her cheeks. Haseena laughed at her cute antics and patted her cheeks, "go, my Baccha...." she nodded and stormed away. "Mahipal sir!! Madam sir!!! I had never been to any village fact we most of us had not....Is it possible that we too..." Santosh asked hesitatingly and before Haseena could refuse Mahipal added, "Of course beta! Why not? In fact, Haseena beta takes them with you more often until they are here....get them to visit our fields, cultures, farmhouse, tube well....." Hearing it Haseena smiled slightly, "as you say, Uncle."

Haseena was dressed in a decent elegantly designed light pink coloured trouser-shirt with her head covered in dupatta while Mansi has dressed similarly just that colour of her dress and design was different. Others were dressed normally as per their comfort zone. "Let's go!!" Haseena said and they all moved out of haveli, Haseena was ahead of them and as soon as they heard her arrival they settled on their knees with eyes down, one hand on gun standing at their height and other hands behind their back. Every time her team members saw such a level of respect for her in them they felt so much proud. Haseena reached to the jeep and Ramo opened her car door for her and the other side driver opened one for Mansi. They both and others settled in the jeep and they drove towards the village. "Madam Sir! Can I ask you something?" Santosh asked. "Of course go ahead." She replied, "You must have felt so proud when everyone bowed in front of you like a real princess right?" Santosh said. "Santosh are you asking me or telling me?" she chuckled slightly. "Oh!" Santosh said slyly. "Actually I hate it," she replied which shocked everyone a lot. "But why? And then why you had not stopped them?" she asked on behalf of everyone. "Well! Firstly I am a simple human being just like they are and how can a man bow in front of another man. Secondly, I had not stopped them because I know if they don't do this then Uncle would not let them be alive anymore." She said and sighed. "I am still unable to understand..." she said. "It's a long story, Santosh Sharma....Maybe you get to know some other time not now." she replied and then looked at Mansi, "Mansi! I hope you don't tell this to Uncle....I do not want him to get hurt." "Of course api! Don't worry." Mansi replied cutely to her. Seeing their cute and strong bond and when every time Haseena talked cheerfully to Santosh or Mansi, Karishma felt a strange sense of longingness which she was compelled to tolerate helplessly.

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