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Hi everyone! First of all, I would like to share my gratitude for your mindblowing response and your love for the previous part. With fluttered heart, I am back with another part. Enjoy!!

In the morning, Karishma was the first one to wake up only to find herself clutched in Haseena's tight hold. She smiled adoring her sleeping peacefully with a smile, "It seems she slept after many sleepless nights....." she thought. She held her arms to free herself trying hard not to wake her up but movement disturbed her sleep and she woke up. "Karishma!!!" she at once sat up with a jerk upon finding herself almost on her, "a...actually.....I...." she fumbled and looked away. Karishma sat up too and smiled at her cuteness. She hugged her from back and whispered in her ears teasing her, "Even Shorya Ji never sleep on me like this, caging me in his arms......." Hearing her Haseena was red in embarrassment, not able to meet her eyes, "A....sorry....I...actually.....I am not habitual of sleeping with someone so....accidently it happened..." Karishma laughed heartily seeing her struggling. "Karishma!!!!" Haseena shouted her name loudly realizing she had been making fun of her. "I ....I....can't even .....tell you how cute you were looking......priceless.....Haseena.....priceless reaction." She said still laughing loudly. "priceless........right...." Haseena stood up from bed and dragged her out of the room, "Now go and laugh in your room.....okay..." Karishma went out laughing while Haseena had closed her room's door smiling at herself.

Later at the breakfast table, Haseena's eyes were sparkling, and the whole of her team was admiring her. Needless to say, they all know things have been sorted and their immense happiness could be seen through their eyes, to get their favourite madams back with a bang.

"Madam Sir! You are looking fresh today...." Pushpa ji complimented her. "I slept peacefully last night after so long..." she said looking at Karishma who gave her an acknowledging smile. Shorya who was sitting in between Haseena and Karishma said audibly to both of them, "Behna! Thanks for returning my firebrand back to me...." Both the girls smiled at his happiness.

"We need to leave for Lukhnow today....papa!!" Haseena told her father. Mahipal replied with wet eyes, "A father can never be satisfied with her daughter's presence around him but I know your duty is calling you.....go ahead my dear, my blessings are with you." Haseena's eyes were wet too, she nodded looking at him. "Choti Sarkar! This came from Lukhnow yesterday morning for you and we forget to put it with other gifts. Sorry!!!" a house staff came giving her the gift. Haseena took the gift and read the note on it, "To the beautiful person in the world, Happy Birthday- Anubhav Singh!!" Shorya and Karishma had also read the note as they were sitting beside her. Haseena's eyes shined in an instant seeing this and it was observed by Karishma who did not like it a bit, "I told him to stay away from her but it seems he does not understand it. I need to do something practical to stop him......" she mumbled angrily clutching her fists while Shorya had instantly held her fists and gestured her to relax. Haseena came out of Anubhav's thoughts smiled and said to house staff, "Put it in my room...." She nodded and went away taking it.

After breakfast, Haseena was sitting in her room with a gift box in her hand opening it while Karishma was looking at her hiding behind the door sneakily. She opened it and found a beautiful yet simple heart-shaped locket with a note which Haseena read loudly, "Haseena ji!! I know that today, my Behna will get your forgiveness will secure her rightfully deserved place in your heart which is beside your Abu. I am putting her photo along with your Abu's in the locket with a wish that someday I too will get a place equal to them in your heart. I am Sorry Haseena ji for all my mistakes.....i am sorry." Haseena opened the locket with tears in her eyes and for the first time after Mission Jeet, Anubhav Singh had touched her heart with his simple yet thoughtful gift. Karishma who had heard and saw everything went away confused, "I know you are feeling guilty but what's the guarantee that you won't use her or any other woman again as your punching bag." Karishma thought to herself.

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