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Hi everyone, be safe and happy reading!!!
Not proofread, ignore grammatical and typing errors.

Guddu was driving his boss towards outskirts of Lukhnow, “Are you sleepy?” Boss asked looking at him. “N…no…..no!!!” he fumbled at her tone. “Then is there any fault in car?” she asked again with a sarcasm in her voice. “No…no boss!!” he responded stammering not able to understand what she is trying to say. “Then drive fast!!!!!” she shouted at him, shaking him suddenly, “Y…yes, yes, sure…..” with great difficulty he forced words out of his mouth and pressed the accelerator.
Soon they reached to a 10 acre large grassy plot whose centre has a two bed room small hut, situated 15 Km away from Lukhnow. Directing his car towards the hut, he drove at a constant speed of 40 km/hour towards the hut and just a km away from hitting the hut, an underground tunnel opened whose gates are attached with speed sensors, and their car entered in it, closing the tunnel gateway behind them.
Through the white marbled tunnel floor, Guddu parked the car along with many other cars, bikes of different models were parked. They stepped down the car, when Mano and Jagga came there, “Who is she? Whom you brought with yourself? You know, if S.I.O – 3 will get to know that you had brought someone to our most secret place, without her permission, she will kill you.” Jagga shouted at Guddu looking Jane beside him, not giving him any chance to say his words. Before they could quarrel more, Jane showed them her badge whose  logo is of intelligence organization and below which her post was written too, “SENIOR INTELLIGENCE OFFICER – 3”
As soon as they saw that, words stuck in their throat and came an instant salute from both of them, “Greetings Mam!!” they both added together. Jane nodded and started moving more inside, ahead of parking while the three were following her, “You were cautious and you questioned him, I appreciate that. Good!!!” she remarked professionally. “Thank you mam!!” they both responded. “Where are both of them?” she asked. “In your room, mam as you said.” Mano responded. “Hmm…..” she responded and passing by many rooms and training arenas for different purposes, she entered medical facility.
Showing her badge to doctor, as she too doesn’t recognize her face, she sat on bed. “Greetings Mam!! What happened? Why is it bleeding so much?” Doctor asked tending to her wound while three of them were standing there only but with their shut mouths. “Bullet shot.” She responded calmly in two words without any expression of pain as if nothing had happened. Mano and Jagga were looking at each other, “Is she human? Has she ever felt pain?” Mano whispered in Jagga’s ears who shaked his head in negative and added, “At least I had never seen her in pain or even showing any emotion other than anger and respect, that’s the reason since her entry in Intelligence organization, a couple of months ago, she had acquired the most senior position after chief of Intelligence organization- Aarav Sir, even Raghav sir, who was earlier the most senior after Aarav sir, is now her junior.” Jagga responded. As they were whispering to each other, Doctor was taking out bullet from her arm, while she was drowned in some other thoughts, with plain expressionless face. Mano asked to Guddu, “She is wearing prosthetic mask, had you got successful in seeing her real face today?” Guddu shaked his head in negative and added, “No, she is very particular about that…..in whole intelligence organization none knew her real identity except Aarav Sir and Raghav Sir.” Doctor had taken out the bullet, seeing which the three of them hissed but S.I.O- 3 did not. As the doctor, bandaged her wound, “Thank you doctor!” she added without smiling and moved out of the medical facility. She started walking towards her office, when before entering she saw the three of them still following her. She stopped stare at them and added, “Dismiss!!” they saluted and almost ran from there.
She entered in her completely white themed office, with white marble and three white walls, while fourth wall facing her wooden desk was of glass on which IO logo was displaying. Sitting on her desk, she punched at the keyboard placed in front of her and the glass wall turned into large computer screen. She opened the map of Lukhnow and marked five red spots on it. Just then her screen started showing ‘Aarav sir Incoming’ closing the map she received the video call shocking Aarav to his wits who was seeing an intruder in his most confidential place.
Aarav’s hand automatically went to emergency button and he shouted, “Who are you and what are you doing there?” Before he could press the button she stopped him, “Sir, Sir!! Wait, what are you doing? Why you are hell bent in exploding our hard built most confidential base?” she added and bending down her head she removed her prosthetic mask. Putting the mask aside, she removed her hairs from her face and added with a straight face, “Greetings Sir, Senior Intelligence officer-3 Haseena Malik reporting!!!” “OH GOD!! Haseena, I hate your habit of giving shocks…..” Aarav said taking a deep breath. “Anyways, what was that mask and all? Where have you been?” “I went to get the last most important piece of information, we needed to save Lukhnow.” She responded calmly. “That means you get the locations of bomb.” He confirmed and she nodded slightly with straight face. “Great!!! Well done!! Then I am sending bomb Scod teams to all those places.” Aarav added forwarding his hands to his phone. “No, you won’t do any such thing.” She stopped him with calm and equally scary voice. “What do you mean?” he asked. “Planning to attack Lukhnow must be the last game of Scorpions and I will make sure of that. You don’t have to do anything, everything is under my control.” She responded him. “Are they there only?” He asked hearing which her face suddenly showed expressions of uneasiness. “Are you going to reveal the truth to them?” He asked carefully. She nodded and added softly, “I have no other option…..our final move will be after 24 hours, by then, I want you to not disturb me,” her voice ended up a request. “I can understand…..and I am sure they will understand you….don’t worry,” he added and she nodded. “Can I ask you one thing? If you don’t mind,” he chose to ask first before laying his question. Upon getting a positive nod, he asked, “It was almost three months ago when I first heard about you, an S.H.O who always use emotions to solve cases but whom I am seeing now, is very far away from emotions.” Haseena took a deep breath and added, “No sir, both are here only…..it’s about need of the hour…..you, Intelligence organization and my country needed this strict, emotionless and unbreakable Haseena, resulting in this,” She said gesturing towards herself and added, “The only problem is that mission is yet to be completed and I am now compelled to take them on board who have the ability to create a tornado of emotions inside me……that’s why I created this 24 hour gap before my final plan of action.” Aarav nodded impressively and added, “You know Haseena, there is this saying ‘everything happens for good’ I had never understood that saying until I met you. If it was not Veer Singh and scorpion gang, our IO would have never got a gem like you…..i have no doubt you will complete this mission successfully and after that I have some special plans for you.” Hearing him Haseena raised her eyebrows in doubt and he immediately corrected himself, “Don’t worry, I know you do not want to leave police force……” She slightly smiled seeing his reaction and nodded. “Best of luck for your grumpy birds…..” He winked slightly and hung up.

Taking a deep breath, Haseena stood up opened a white cupboard and take out one from many face masks. It was a blue face mask which was covering her face, leaving upper forehead, eye sockets, lips and chin. Dressed in blue jeans and white silk collar shirt, and high heels, she moved out of her office. As it was a secret office so there is no excessive staff there, but cameras were stalled at every corner of the vicinity except Haseena’s office and her bedroom.
Mano and Jagga who were sipping a cup of tea in canteen along with Guddu, when saw Haseena moving towards her room, they started sweating. “You both are gone today…..” Guddu added worriedly. Standing at the entrance, with her heart thudding in her chest, body getting numb and eyes threatening to shed tears down her cheeks, she held the door knob. With a deep breath, she twisted the door knob and pushed open the door to a white and grey themed bedroom, having a luxurious master bed in centre, a complete mirror wall facing the bed through which a training arena could be seen outside but none can see inside the room from there, an air conditioner on the wall behind bed, another door to washroom facing the room door. And a white and grey wooden wardrobe beside white colored wooden room door. She stepped in the bed room and closed the door behind her, facing the bed her eyes went on slightly peeping foots and hands of her two pieces of heart, from under the white blankets and all her dams she had built on her emotions broke down. With tears continuously streaming down her eyes to her chin on the marble beneath her heals, she dragged herself towards the bed. Falling on her knees, at the foot side of bed, she touched feet of completely unconscious Anubhav and Karishma, slowly with her trembling hands. Bending her face to their feet, she had made her lips touched their feet turn by turn and at last put her head in between two pairs of feet holding each pair with her one hands as she could not found enough strength to lift her face, the souls for whom she had been always trying to keep happy, she herself had put them in the worst pains of their life. Soon the sound proof room echoed with Haseena Malik’s loud sobs…..
Crying for good fifteen minutes, putting their head on their feet, she walked towards the head side of Karishma. She picked her arm which was peeping through the cover to kiss her, when her eyes went on a deep knife cut, pushing her in an initial state of shock. Standing up she at once removed their covers and thoroughly checked their bodies, she found a forehead injury on Anubhav’s head too. In no time, tears dried in her eyes and shock turned into anger. With the blue mask still on her face, revealing her red eyes through it, she stormed out of her room, taking her scary form and locked its door securely behind her.

Ticking of her heels on the marble floor coming from the corridor next to them, was enough to suck the breath out of three of them, as the stood up facing the side she is expected to appear. Blue jeans, white shirt and blue mask with red eyes sparkling on it, they could only take her one glance and at once turned down their gazes. Hands clasped behind her back, she asked with low scary voice, “What were my orders?” “To…to ab….abd…abduct…..the….them….wit…without har….harming ….them…” Jagga fumbled and Mano found her voice lost. “Have you followed my orders?” another scary question. “We….we tried, mam!!” Jagga once again gave a stammering response. “You are fully trained competent agents, neither you were on training that you had the room for trying and nor it was your first mission,” she added raising her voice little. “Don’t you have any other option???” She asked loudly this time and got no response. “I asked don’t you have any other option?” she roared shaking them to their wits. Mano who by then was standing silently, though scared of her, found a little courage and opened her mouth, “We have mam…..but the question is do have enough time to choose the right option. We were standing right in front of the scorpions hide out in which Veer Singh was present with distance of just a black mirrored car between his guard and all of us, even slightest chaos could alert them. In choosing between not letting Veer Singh know their presence and not hurting them, we chose the first one because of two reasons, first it was mandatory to do and second because we were not sure if any other method would work or not.” She added in one go closing her eyes while Jagga and Guddu were looking at her as if they saw a ghost, baffled at how she managed to say something in front of her anger.

Other side her words had sent Haseena in her own world, “she is right, i too had an option of telling them the truth beforehand but I chose not to, because I was not sure about their reaction and putting innocent lives at risk was not an option……” However, Mano’s apology brought her out of her revere, “I ….i…am…I am so...sorry….Mam!!!” She stepped towards her seeing which she had closed her eyes extremely frightened of her next step but what she did next amazed the three of them and they were looking at her dumbfounded. Haseena placed her one hand on her right shoulder and other on Jagga’s left shoulder, patting both lightly she added, “I completely understand your point sometimes, despite of having other options we do not chose them due to high risks.” Saying this she stepped back only to see that three of them were looking at her with their open mouths and despite of seriousness of the situation, she could not help but chuckle, “close your mouth….there is no need to be so amazed,” her words had embarrassed them and they looked down smiling at themselves. “Go and have some rest……report me tomorrow at 8 p.m. in my office but remember none should leave this place until my further orders.” She ordered seriously. “Yes mam!!” they saluted her. She turned to leave from there but stopped and added without turning to them, “And one more thing, yes I am a human and I do feel all sorts of emotions including pain too…..it’s just that they are under my absolute control.” She was left long ago and they were still drowned in her mysterious personality, “Who was she?” Jagga asked. “How she changed?” Guddu asked “Does Anubhav and Karishma have a magic wand?” Mano asked utterly confused.

Entering her room at mid night, she removed her face mask, closed the curtains of glass wall and dressed herself in lose white trousers and white short shirt. Climbing up the bed, she settled herself in half lying position taking support of backrest and placed both Anubhav and Karishma’s head on her each lap. Combing there hairs through her fingers and shedding her tears, encaging them in her lap, she was kissing their forehead, cheeks, nose, everything again and again, trying hard to overcome her own yearning for them, her own guilt and their pain which she had caused by keeping them in dark. “I know you must be very angry on me especially when you will know that I was absolutely safe and it was all a part of my plan…….i deserve all your anger…..i am sorry my babies…..i am sorry…..but now I am there only…..i am ready to face all your anger and punishments but I won’t let you go this time…..I am sorry….” She kept on mumbling their names, apologizing, shedding tears and kissing their faces whole night.

Early morning at around 5 a.m. Haseena had been dozed off to sleep with her hands on their heads placed in her lap and her own head placed uncomfortably on the back rest of the bed. Karishma was the first one to gain consciousness, slowly regaining her composure, last memory hit her of them outside hide out fighting with someone causing her eyes to open with a jerk. Shocked upon finding herself absolutely fine on comfortable bed in someone’s lap and that too with feeling of a pure bliss, she had not felt for more than fifteen days; she at once turned her head towards the owner of the lap beneath her head, “Haseena!!!!” she shouted loudly out of shock, jolting up to sit straight.
Her scream was enough to break both Anubhav and Haseena’s sleep and they too sat up straight with a jerk. “Behna?? Wh…” however his words lost somewhere down his throat only, as his eyes fell on Haseena who was looking at both of them smiling through her tears. Karishma at once held Anubhav’s hand, “Bhayya!!! Is it a dream or are we dead?” she asked Anubhav while staring at Haseena without blinking her eyes. “If it is a dream then how can we are in same dream at the same time…..many be we are dead and it’s an afterlife…..” Anubhav added equally shocked looking at Haseena while tightly clutching his sister’s hand.
Their words had sent Haseena in deep trenches of guilt once again, letting herself cry loudly she opened her both arms and engulfed them both in her tight embrace, “No, neither it’s a dream nor you are dead…..nothing had happened to you and not to me also……..You are here with me and we all are absolutely safe and sound,” she said shaking her head in between her hiccups tightening her embrace around them bringing them out of their state of initial shock.

Next moment their shock was replace by extreme anger and together they freed themselves from Haseena’s hold, “Who are you Ms? Sorry I don’t recognize you….Bhayya do you?” Karishma said glaring at her angrily while tears were streaming down endlessly. “No, I don’t recognize her too…..let’s go from here Behna!!!” Anubhav retorted in same tone looking at Haseena with wet eyes who was shaking her head sideways, frantically and sobbing loudly. Before she could find her voice, she found them already near the door, striding angrily to go from her. Stumbling herself of the bed covers, she came running towards them, “Please listen!!” she called them holding one of each of the pair of hands from behind. Freeing her hand from hers with a jerk, Karishma shouted loudly, “Leave my hand……we said we don’t know you……” Sudden impact caused her to stumble two steps away from her. “I am sorry….please…” she pleaded meekly through her endless tears. “Sorry? Really!!!!! Your sorry is an insult of our unconditional love…..” she shouted loudly pushing her away by hitting at her chest with her both hands, with all her might that she landed on the wall behind her with a thud. “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!” Karishma screamed loudly at the top of lungs, holding her head, pulling her hair while bending forward and then ultimately broke down into horrific cries falling on her knees there only.

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