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Hi everyone, Be safe and enjoy.....

Haseena, Anubhav, and Karishma were moving towards her room, with Haseena leading them. Upon reaching the door, she put her hand on the knob in the pretext of opening it but at the same time placed her thumb on the thumb scanner, hoping that both of them would not notice it but both had noticed it and Karishma instantly asked, "Haseena, what was that?" "What, nothing you are assuming wrong.....I had simply opened the door," she responded not looking towards them, and entered inside. Both glanced at each other with a creased forehead not able to understand that what she is hiding but they decided not to pester her further against her wish.

A few hours later, Haseena and Karishma were forced to lie on the bed to sleep under strict observation of Anubhav who was sitting on the sofa engrossed in a file, in front of them. "Haseena?" Karishma whispered in her ear, "Hmm," Haseena responded. "I am not sleepy," Karishma responded. Haseena looked at Anubhav and then responded a bit scared, "Look at him, your dear Anu bhayya is sitting on our head like a strict examiner, already we have been scolded by him for not resting....are you planning another session." "Oho Haseena!! Listen to me first." She said and whispered something in her ear. Her face becomes horrified hearing her, "Are you mad?" "Come on Haseena please, he had scolded us......we must do that...and wait are you frightened of him." She said with shocked expressions on her face, "Oo Hello madam, Haseena Malik isn't afraid of anyone.....fine, I am ready." Karishma giggled hearing her.

Anubhav heard them whispering and giggling, he at once switched on the light but got shocked to see their closed eyes, creased forehead, and tossing and turning figures, as if both are in some kind of serious pain. "What happened to both of you? Is everything alright?" he asked getting up from his seat, moving towards the bed. "Anu bhayya!! Don't understand why my head is paining so much..." Karishma said pressing her head with her fingers. "Karishma, even I am having it.....i think it's because of heavy medication," she said placing her hand on her forehead, giving any excuse she could come up with and hearing him Karishma smiled inwardly but control herself. "don't worry...relax....i...I will give you a head massage," he said and was about to move towards the door when he heard both of them in unison, "Yes please..." "But wait...Anu bhayya, how you can give both of us at the same time?" Karishma asked. "you are right Karishma but Anu will first give me a head massage," Haseena added still holding her head. "Why? Why you first, his is my brother and he will give me first," Karishma added looking at Anubhav who was looking at them with shocked expressions, "Yes...yes Behna...I will give you first," he responded. "Anu!! am I not important to you....even my head is spinning terribly too but you seem least bothered about me. You only seem to care about your sister," Haseena said sitting up glaring at Anubhav and then at Karishma. "Haseena ji! you are mistaking....nothing like that, i love both of you, fine I will give you head massage first," He added and Karishma at once sat up straight, "Anu bhayya, this is are not even married to her yet and you forgot your this your love for me," she said and fake crying even Haseena was looking at her shocked, "What a brilliant actress she is?" she thought and then immediately added continuing her roll, "So, until when you are going tie your brother beside you, over-influencing your brother is too bad Karishma ji," Haseena yelled at her. "Bhayya!! Look at her she had shouted at scold her." She at once said looking at her brother who by now was sweating trying to say Haseena or Karishma one thing or other but they are not letting him. "Anu?? if you would have shouted at me.....then I will never talk to you." Haseena warned him with stern expressions. "fine....don't talk with him, my bhayya does not need to talk to you too...Hunh!! Don't know what she thought of herself, always orders orders...." Karishma shouted at Haseena. Anubhav tried stopping her in a pleading tone, "Behna!!" "Bhayya, even you are taking her could I won't talk to you," she added. "No Behna nothing like that I am not taking her side..." he responded looking at his sister and then added looking at Haseena, "Haseena ji!!" but she did the same too, "Anu...I had not expected this from you that you will take her side unnecessarily, I am highly disappointed," Haseena added looking at him. Once again Karishma intervened before Anubhav could respond and like this, they kept on putting up their fake fight using Anubhav like a football between them who by then got fully frustrated, "Enough!!! Stop it both of you stop it!!" falling on his knees, joining his hands he pleaded, "My dear ladies please spare me, choosing one of you is more difficult than running a spacecraft....please stop fighting I will give both of you head massage together at the same time....please pardon me." Hearing him they both stopped fighting and soon seeing his dishelleved state they both broke into loud fits of laughter making him realize that he had been officially and terribly fooled by two of them.

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