C1: Making of the bet

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"will you go out with me?"

I asked the boy in front of me.
Hi! My name is Drake Ridge,18 years old, a senior in high school, I have dark brown hair, hazel eyes, I play basketball and you can say 'A total player' so means I'm straight, but that doesn't mean that I'm a total homophobe ...I just don't like gays.
Understand? ' Don't like them, but don't hate them' okay?.

So, you must be wondering 'why the hell is he asking a boy out then?!'.

Well it all happened yesterday



It's a beautiful day and my favorite day 'Sunday'.

Me and my 'best friend' Kent is playing basketball at the back of their house and yes they have a court at the back of their house, so back to the story.

Kent jog farther than the average 3 point distance from the ring "Dude! Let's make a bet".

"Shoot!" I said.

"If I score this shot you have to ask someone out"

"alright, who?" I asked.

"wait, you have to date that person for 3 months!" he added.

Well not bad right? I can make it "Deal!" I said.

"Okay! Game!" Kent said while aiming the ball and throwing it and it made it, leaving me open mouthed.

"so about whose the person you're going-" i cut him off before he finishes his sentence.

"You cheated!" I yelled at him.

"no I didn't" he said, yea right! "look I did not cheat!, you said 'Deal' so that means it's a deal!" he reasoned, throwing the ball and I caught it.

"So, gonna do it? Or not?" he asked "well you don't really have a choice" he added.

"alright whose the lucky girl?" I asked.

" well before that you have to date that person for three months" he said " And! Have to have to convince that person to have sex with you within the time given".

I looked at him suspiciously "but don't worry! I'll pay for the last part"

"how much?" I asked, what? People need money you know!

"let's see" he said tapping his finger on his chin "200?".

"800" I said




"still 800" I said

He sighed "alright 800 it is I think it's worth it, but you have to do it no matter who it is alright?"

"Alright, whose the lady?"

Kent gave me a sly smile.

"Yvonne Hallyway"

"What?!, dude why him?!"

You see Yvonne is the 'school's freaky-faggot' (A/N sorry about that word), he's gay, he cross dress but he really looks like a girl, and he always likes to be alone so...yeah, he's like a 'emo' without the obsession on black clothes.

"what? You're backing out?, you don't have balls big boy?" he said mocking me and shit it's irritating!

I sighed "alright I'll do it"
And that's the story why I Drake Ridge asking the the 'school's freaky-faggot' on a date...and for sex.

Ah shit!

once upon a Bet?! (boyxboy) (mpreg) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now