C4: A win win situation

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*warning a lil mature content*( just a little)

←←←←←←← drake to the side :)

Drake pov:

My head hurts

I tried to move my hands so I can touch my head but it bump into something soft at my side. I opened my eyes and looked at the object that touches my hand.

It's a girl with black hair-wait!

All that happened just a while ago came back... The bumping, my head, the touch and...the k-kiss!

The kiss! His kiss! His soft, sweet lips on mine.


I bit my lips at the thought of that lips around tracing down my body,


‘yeah call my name using that cute voice of yours baby’ i thought, then his face shows up! I moand, His head bobbing up and down and his lips on my rag-


Rality slapped me across the face! No literally, and it hurt so fucking much!

“what are moaning about?!” I heard someone yell, I looked up and saw Yvon with a furrowed eye brows.

“w-what?” I asked. “you're moaning” he said.

“oh...so...where are we?” “ Nurse's office, you blacked out a while ago” he informed me.

“you bumped me that's why I passed out right?” he just looked away from me ‘oh so that's gonna be huh ’ “You owe me, so you had to go out with me” I simply stated to him then his head snapped in my way, Im surprised his head didn't fell off,

“Excuse me?”

“oh you may, I'll just pick you up, saturday night at 7”

“No! That's not what I mean!, I can't ‘go out’ with you!” he slightly yelled at me. ‘I wonder why can't he, is there something that sopping him?’ I thought.

“because I like someone else and I don't really think you're serious, it's just like someone told you to ask me” he said like he's reading my mind.

Alright I can't do this anymore, I sighed “alright! You got me” I said as I raised my hand like I'm surrendering. “ It's a just a bet that me and my friends have” I admited to him.

“I knew it” he sighed and massaged his temples “I had to go” he said and about to stand up but an idea came up to my mind and stopped him.

“wait!” he looked at me with blank face “you said you like someone right” he nodded slowly “let's make a deal then” I said with a big grin on my face, he looked hesitant “what del?”.

“ you and me” I gestured to both of us “pretend that we are dating...for like three months” I stated “and?” he asked slightly interested “ and I help you to get the person you like, it's like a ‘win win situation’ I won the bet and you get what you want” I finished super proud of myself I left out the ‘sex’ thing cause I know he won't agree with that ‘Drake you are one smart boy, mwahahaha’

“what if he doesn't like me, and besides you don't even know who is the person I like” I sighed and put my arm on his shoulder “my friend, almost all the student here at school is my friend, so don't worry about that, deal?” I placed my hand in front for him to shake, he look nervous, like thingking if it's the right thing to do, but he shaked it.

“ make sure this will work, alright?!” he said worry plastered on his face “ don't you worry so much my friend, so saturday at 7 alright, anyway whose the guy that you like so I cam get started” i asked him the last, but he just stood up and walked to the door “I'll tell you at saturday” then he's gone.

‘I wonder who it is’ then the thing that I just day dreamed a while ago came to me.
Ah fuck!
What the fuck happened there?!
4th chapter
What y'all think?
Stay pretty my lovely bunnies,!!

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