C3: Reason why

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How I imagine Yvon looks like

Yvon POV (maybe his only point of view?)

We kissed
We kissed!!

Oh my G!!!

He stole my first kiss!! How could he?!!!

'Well it's obviously an accident' one side of me said. 'What if he do it on purpose?'

Ugh!! What would my mom say?! 'Well she doesn't have to know...right?'. Yeah! She don't need to know!

Anywas, hey there! My name is Yvon Hallyway, Im a half , my mom is korean and my dad is american so yeah... I'm 17 and gay, yeah I'm gay, i crossdress because of my mom, she wanted a daughter but I came out as boy so since my birth she always made me wear girls clothes and making me take a wierd pill that makes my voice sound like a girl, she also said that there is another reason why, but I don't know what it is. My dad always agrees with my mom so I Don't really have a say to anything about that.

I must have thinking so hard I didn't notice that he already passed out under me.

"OH MY G!!!" i screamed and stood up "what am I going to do?, help! Anyone?" I looked around to see no one is looking.

I let out a grunt, of course no one will listen to me.

I look at the body laying on the ground and think. 'will it work?' I thought... 'maybe?'




Still nothing

I lift up my hand once again, but right before it landed on his face, a hand grabbed mine. I looked up to see who stopped me and to my suprise...'it's him'.

My crush!!!

He chuckled, wahhh!!! It sound so beautiful!!!. "You done?" he said cutting me off of my thoughts.

"huh?" I asked. He nods to my side and I looked at the body next to me 'oh yeah him' I thought.

I felt my arm being pulled and I landed to a hard but smooth chest, I looked up and felt my cheeks burn up and I immediately pushed away from him, once again I looked at the body on the floor, he's still passed out.

"You think we should take him to the nurse's?" he asked and I just nodded.

He lift him up and walked to the direction where the nurse office is while I follow him. We arrived not long after, then he lay him down and talked to the nurse, while me...i just sat at the stool next to the bed and looked at the skirt I'm wearing.

"she said just let him rest, maybe you should watch him till he wakes up" he said and I just nodded not trusting my voice to answer him.

"I have to go,bye" he said and walked out of the office.

'I wonder when can I tell him what I really felt'

I looked up to see him still sleeping, I really can't think of any reason why this boy want to date me.

Well he's cute, I'll give him that, he's tall, but he's still not the one whose in my heart...it's his bestfriend
Kent Reagan
3rd chapter :)
Hope you liked it :)
Let me know what you think.
Stay pretty lovely bunnies!!

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