C20: Seal the deal

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Sorry if the last chapter is not what you expect it'll I truly apologise :(

Anyway here is chap 20 tnx for waiting :)


Drake POV:

"Meet my parents?" I asked him while playing with his silky hair, while watching movie and snuggling to each other' warmth.

"Why?" He asked popping some junk food into his mouth.

"Well...I really don't know, I just thought that I want you to meet them...that's all" I answered, though I really don't know why, it's just...I want them to acknowledge him as my boyfriend and not just a friend.

"Okay...but..." He trailed off.

"But what?" "You have to meet my parents too" he stated looking up at me. " but I already met them...at the party remember?"

"Yeah, but not as my boyfriend" he stood up and sat on my lap strandling me and placed his hands on my shoulders, so automatically I wrap my arms around his slender waist, we've been doing that for a month that we are together.

"So...will you?" He asked playing with my hair then a idea pop up into my mind.

I squeezed his waist and pull him closer to me but right before I open my mouth he beat me to it by saying "babe our 1 month anniversary is comming...so why not just invite them to a dinner?" Wow is it true that when you love someone so much you can think the same thing? Or...

"Are you reading my mind?" I aked him and he just giggled and peck my lips, but it's not enough, before he totally seperate our lips I slid my arm to the back of his neck and deepened the kiss.

His delicious sweet lips moving in sync with mine, I lick his buttom lips for entrance and he gladly gave it to me, the second my tounge touches his' butterflies erupted to my groin( who said butterflies only flew on your stomach?) Maybe he felt it coz of the moan I just swallowed from him and he started to grind on me, but what he said next gave me a rock hard boner and did I mention we are just in our underwear? Well we are " I want you" he moaned.

I instantly dove into his right plump nipple and start sucking on it like no tomorrow and he started to moan louder and my dick becomes harder and keeps harder,if that is possible, as he continued to grind on me harder.

"Mnnn...drake...I really wanna wait till our first month but... I think I wont make it" he said seductively and it is working.

"Who thougt you that?" I breath on his ear and he visibly shuddered and started to leak pre-cum.

"Mmnnn...no one, i wanna try something" he said crawling lower and lower until his face is in front of my covered groin breathing heavily and I can see his hips swaying side to side.

He gulped and pull my boxers down till its off, my dick sprung up and slapped him in the face "sorry" I said "It's okay" he held my cock and started to stroke it up and down "your so big...how will this fit?" Then something came to my mind "I know how" I said before putting him in place.

We are now in a 69 position where he is on top of me and I am lying down, "this is embarrassing" he said still stroking my dick slowly "yeah, but sexy, I have the most beautiful view" I slowly pull his panty down and took it off, I look up and saw his entrance and damn!!! His privates are really pink!! I started to suck his balls and tease his entrance with my finger as he suck on the tip of my dick.

"Wait" I moaned and reach out  to my nightstand to get something, I  changed our position and now he's under me, I opened the bottle of the lube and smeared some to my fingers and his hole.

I took a deep breath and slid a finger into his hole and kiss him swallowing his moans, I slid another finger and felt him flinch.

"Shhhh, it's okay" I whispered, He nodded and just closed his eyes. As I fasten my hand's pace his breath hot ragged and I started to scissor him.

"It's ok...I think...I can take it" he breath out, I nodded and told him to go on all fours "this is embarrissing" he said his with his cute red face "don't worry, you look absolutely erotic" I whispered while covering myself wuth lube, the truth is I really don't know if I'll fit, I mean I am a 10! It looks like a jumbo hotdog going inside a really small finger ring donut (lol I made some at home like 15 pcs and ate it in 5mins.)

"Your so sexy do you know that?" I'm distracting him so the pain will lessened, My tip touches his entrance and I slowly pushes in, I felt him clenching around me and it kinda painful so I embraced him "relax it'll just hurt more, don't worry it's okay, alright?" He nodded his eyes closed, I felt him relax and I continued to go in slowly.

"Ah!" He gasped "there!" Ge stopped me and started to maon, then it hit me! His G-spot is here, so I slightly pull out and push in hitting that spot, I thrust in faster and longer until "d-deeper!!" He screamed and I comply ti go faster and deeper his moan gets louder and became high pitched, its like music to my ears.

I heard my door open "oh shit! Sorry!" Then closed, fuck I don't care!!

"Baby! Your so fucking tight!" I groand as I push deeper and deeper feeling his tight and warm insides.

I turned him his to his back without pulling out that caused him to scream my name and continued to fuck him.

Thrust after thrust I felt a tight knot on my stocmach, a sigh that I am close and I know he is too, "baby I'm so close" I wisphered to his hair "m-me-e t-too!!" He gasped as I gave my final thrust and explode inside of him as he on our stomach and chest and his  case even in his face.

I kissed him and he lazilly returned it while I'm still inside of him, it feels too good to pull out .

"I love you" I breath out looking into his eyes as he looks at me.

"I love you too" he said lovingly.

We stayed like that not bothering to change position or even clean ourselves till we slept through the night.

'That is how to seal the deal!"


















Im so sorry for the shitty sex scene!!!!!


But please understand, schooljuststartedandIamkindabusycollectingmy books .








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