C2: First kiss

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Ah shit!

Just say yes for Pete's sake!




We're now here at his locker, I ambushed him to ask him out 'again'.

It's already been a week that I'm asking him to go out with me, a week he's been avoiding me, and a week he's giving me the exact same answer!.

"I'm really sorry, Drake" he said then run off to wherever he's going. See! Exact same answer since the first day I asked him!

It's getting on my nerves!

I sighed and walk to my first period class 'math' ugh, i hate it, who don't?

Nerds maybe.

I sat at my usual seat near the window.

'am I out of charm already?' one side of me asked

'of course not!' the other part of me answered.

I looked at my side and saw a girl, she's not paying attention to me much not like the other girls. Maybe...just...maybe.

"hey!" I whispered yell at her, then she turn her head to me and tilted it to the side like saying 'what is it?'.

"You wanna go out with me?" i asked her and flashed my famous smile that makes the sluts of the school wet(A/N i really don't want to put it there). Her face lit up and nod her head.

'hmm...maybe I still have it in me' i thought.

"w-when?" the girl beside me asked. I forgot about her.

"sorry I changed my mind, maybe next time" i said to her. I know I'm being rude but...I don't have anything. Yeah I'm rude.

Her face fell then she blushed due to embarrassment. I didn't felt any guilt.

'maybe I'm not charming enough for gays' my other side thought.


The bell rang signaling the first period is finished.

I walked out of the classroom, but right before I can take my second step i bump into someone and knock both of us down.

I fell on my back and, i think a girl course a lot of hair are on my face now, fell on top of me.

"nnnnmm" she moaned while getting up and that made my dick to twitch a little,what?! I'm an hormonal teenage boy that didn't got laid for a week now!, so lift one of my leg and hit something soft and heard her gasp on top of me.

I smirk, maybe my leg touched her delicious taco (A/N Haha). She put her hands on my chest  ,I think for support, then she lift up her head and looked at me.

"Yvonne" I said. Shizznitz! It's not a taco but a boritto!!

"Dra-" right before he finished what he's about to say I tried to stand up but his hand slipped off of my chest and it caused us to fall again.

But now my eyes widened because the softest and sweetest thing touched my mouth right before I passed out.




His lips.




2nd chapter done!!

What do you think?


Love y'all stay pretty lovely bunnies!! ✌

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