C8: Meeting the manwhore

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Drake pov:

"alright, sweety your neck is okay now, just don't move it so much alright? " my mom just finished doing some...doctor stuff to Yvonne. My mom already knows about him being a...him.

"thank you Mrs. Ridge" he blushed and tried to look down then winced.

"hey, you OK?" I asked him

"mhmm" he hummed to answer holding his neck.

"do you wanna go home?" I asked him and he gave me a faint 'yea'

"honey, why won't he stay instead?, he can sleep at-"

"no!" I cut my mom off right before she finish that sentence. I mean what is she thinking?, he only live at the village right next to ours!

Well that is a long drive but...oh who am I kidding his house is a 20 minutes drive and its already 11 o'clock, didn't thought we'll take that long.

"I mean...of course, you can sleep at the guest room" I suggested

"uh...no that wont be necessesary, I don't want to bother you anymore" he humbly said.

"oh sweetheart your not, you can stay in Drake's room" mom said with a wicked smile on her ' oh so beautiful face' ,her words not mine.

"wait, who's what now?" i asked

"oh honey, the guest rooms are on renovation right now so there is no other rooms" "but-" "and Dereck's room is not available, you know your brother. he will do anything with a legs, breathing and have a hole to put something inside" oh right...forgot to tell you, my brother is a manwhore. Good thing he's attending a different school, or my spot will be taken, I'm not saying I'm a manwhore but someone the girls want to spread their legs to...yea that's it.

"hey! I heard my name who's calling?"


8 chapter

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BTW happy 18 b-day to me!!!
Apr.02 :)

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Stay pretty lovely bunnies!!!

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