C24: Dinner

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This will be short so I'm really sorry

Yvonne's dress ↑ ←

Drake POV

"So what time they'll be here?" Dad asked looking at his wrist watch.

We are now at a fancy restaurant where the family dinner will be having.

"Sorry we're late Yvonne is kind of not feeling well" a voice from behind says, we turn around and saw the hallyway family, they look stunning but the one who outstand them is the person that I love.

He's wearing a black and white dress that matches my black suit and white tie

I greeted them and introduce them to my family then

"Mom, Dad, this is my boyfriend" we said at the same time, we looked at each other then he giggled and chuckled.

I offered him a seat and then I took my own besides him.

"So...Drake it is?" Yvonne's dad started

"Yes sir" I'm being polite here, helloooo he will be father-in-law ya know!!! Lol

"What is your plan in your life?" He asked.

I'm about to answer but

"He'll inherit the company right after he graduate college from business management" my father answered for me.

Mr. Hallyway chuckled

"Excuse me but, am I asking you?" He said seriously, "son, how old are you?" He asked me.

"Uh, 18 sir"

"Dad!" Yvonne whisper yelled to his father, he looked at him with a questioning gaze.

"I'm just asking princess" he shrugged and sat up straight.

I took Yvonne's hand in mine under the table and squeezed it reassuring him. "It's okay, don't worry" I whispered.

I looked at my dad and saw that he had a hard expression, that's a bad sign.

"Princess?" He looked at Yvonne "if I am not wrong you said that that girl is your 'boyfriend' am I right?" Dad asked and I nodded.

"Yvonne is male dad" I said to my dad with a smile on my face.

"You're gay?, since when?" He asked monotony.

"I'm not...well for him" I looked at Yvonne with love and admiration and he gave me the same look "I know I am, just for him" I finished.

"If he's a boy, then why are you wearing something like that?, isn't wierd for a boy that is going to be a man wearing such a...revealing clothes?" My dad more like stated that question.

Now it's Yvonne's turn to squeeze my hand.

"Dad!" I glared at my father.

What the hell?! Why is it turning to be like this?

"Excuse me" Yvonne excused himself then goes out the restaurant.

"What is wrong with you people? Can't you just accept that your sons are i relationship?!" I yelled at them and stormed out to follow Yvonne out.

This is a big disaster!!!
:-) that's it :-D wish you liked it.
Stay pretty lovely bunnies!!
Vhunny hopping out!!!

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