C18: will you be MINE?

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Sorry( his dress of the day :))

Drake POV:


So quite

He's not going to talk is he.

After all that, now he's not talking?

Driving to my house after he told me he wanted to talk is sooooo.....quite.


"What was that about?" I asked him after he let go of our small kiss.

"I...uh...sorry" he said looking down but I still can see the blush on his face.

"I thought you like Kent...I...I'm totaly confused right now!" I throw my hands to my head

"Don't ask me cause I really don't know myself!" He...cried then run away, and I was like

What the hell?!

Flashback ends

I really dont know how but it's raining heavily by the end of the school day so when I saw him by the gate I already know that he wanted to talk, so here we are now driving in the rain, driving in the rain

I heard a giggle beside me, I looked at him confused but it just made him laugh.

"Wait? You don't know?" He asked.

"What is it that I don't know?"

"You just sang like driving in the rain!, driving in the rain!, you didn't tell me you can sing" he punched me slightly on my arm

"Wait! I did wha-!" I got cut off when the car suddenly stopped. "What happened?" He asked and I just answered him with a shrug, I got out of the car just to see the tire is stuvk at a deep mud puddle,  Damn! , I thought.

"Drake!? Is everything ok?" He shouted under the heavy rain I really can't hear well.

'Damn this road!, we're not paying tax for a poorly made road!" I thought bitterly

"Is everything ok?" He asked again but his in here beside me. "Why are you here?! Go back inside! You'llget sick!" I tried to push him gently to go back inside but he slipped off of my hands and gone to see the stuck up tired.

"This look bad, let's push it!" He looked at me exitedly and that just got me confused "you know...when someone got stuck and they have to push it...they'll be grunting and annoyed" I stated "oh sush! I never pushed a car off a pudle before so just understand me!" He said and started to push.

(Skip a lil)

"Push!" I screamed and push harder but still nothing and by now we are both soaking wet, why? I'm not helping! *evil grin* the first tries I did helped but...I saw his skrt got up whenever his pushing so I just watched...yeah i'm bad so what? I can see the traces of his panties amd I wanted to know the color!

"Your not helping!! How are we going to talk if your not even helping to get out of here!?" Oops..wait

"Okay, let's just talk here" I stated and he looked at me "are you mad? Its raining!" He screamed at me "yep!" I asnwered him popping the 'p' " tell me why did you kiss me?" I aked.

He took a deep breath and started  talking "I don't know when a-and how, the first is like 'why is this boy asking me out? Me? The one they are calling  'the freaky-faggot', so I thought maybe he isn't serious and there some kind of catch, and when you confessed that it's just a bet, I kinda got mad but I already anticipated it but still gone with it, then there is our first fake date, I said to myself this is just a game but...as lame it sounded when those lights reflects to your face...my heart...it skipped a bit, then...the party after the introduction...I saw you taking to those girls and I felt a stab on my chest" he dramatically stab his chest with an imaginary knife "then...I thought there is no chance for you to like me coz' you're sthraight and...me" he looked down and sighed,I think he's finish but there is still something he forgotten " I think you forgot something" I stated "what?" He asked looking at me "jo-jo?" "Jo-jo? Who the he-, ooohh joo-min!. well, he kinda saw me looking at you then he said it's written in my face that I like you, he suggested that, we make you jealous coz' he said you like me...and here we are now.." He finished.

"So...you like me?" I teased

"Don't worry...I'm not too far behind" I stated before kissing him sthraight to his sweet plump lips. I pulled away from him and kneel on one.

"Will you be mine?"
Please tell me what you think!!!
I feel like its not good enough...
Stay pretty lovely bunnies
Vhunny out!

once upon a Bet?! (boyxboy) (mpreg) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now