C27: All For Him

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Yeah so....This explains everything. ..well not really everything...but you get what I mean.

Dedicated to @annavi03 for the comment last chap :)

Yvonne's POV

It hurts...walking away from him like this

Saying those horrible lies

I want to go back and take it all back and tell him the reason why I said those things, explain why I have to kiss my best friend on the lips to where he will see. I want to go take the ring back and wipe his tears away.

But I can't.

It'll mess my plan up.

My plan to give him a permanent happiness.

A happiness without me

3 days after the dinner

I told Drake that I'm just going to Sky's shop for a visit.

After my talk to him Drake texted me to meet him at 8 so we could make up the dinner that our parents ruined.

it's already 6 and I have to get ready so I said goodbye to Sky and walked to my car but my phone suddenly rang, I looked at the caller ID but it just says 'private number' so I just answered it.

'Hello? Who's this?'

'Get in the car' a very deep voice answered then he hang up.

A black limousine pulled up in front of me, a guy in black suit got out of front and opened the door for me. I looked inside and saw my boyfriends father looking at a some papers in hand "get in" he said not even looking at me.

I hesitantly got in and the drive began.

I'm about to speak but he beat me to it by saying

"I'm cutting the chase" he put down the papers in his hand and looked in front "stay away from my son" he said calmly that it is just a casual thing.

What? I-i can't.... I can't speak, I'm too shocked to react.

"If you don't do what I say and stayed with him...i won't have a choice to make both of your lives misserable" he stated casually that it really doesn't matter that he'll make his own son's life a living hell.

"He's your son...how could you?" I asked still at the state of shock.

"Because he is my son and he will be married to a beautiful woman, have a child then inherit my companies and make grow bigger. He is the only on capable of doing so" he looked at me intensely before continuing "and if he stayed with you, my plans for his life is going to be ruined and you will be the reason of it" he crossed his arms on his chest, his look isn't even changing. "So will you stay away from my son so he'll have a beautiful life or you'll stay and let his known future will crumble?" He made me choose.

Isn't he disgusted to what he is doing?

"Aren't you disgusted to yourself that you will sacrifice you own son's happiness for money?" I voiced out my thought, seriously how could he?

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