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"Babe..." Someone called as I sleep but I didn't budge

"Drake!.." the voice got stronger as I heard a small groan.

"Fuck Drake wake up I'm giving birth to your fucking child!!!!" The voice screamed at me that got me shot up to see a wet spot under Yvonne.

"Did your water broke?" I asked in panicked don't even know what to do!!

"No Shit sherlock I just peed!!!" He said sarcastically his hormones kicking in again.

I carried the bag with his necessities on my shoulder and lift him up and goes out the house to my car so we could got to the hospital.


"You did this to me!!!!!!!!" He screamed as he pushed our son out and give my poor hand a death grip, yes he pushed the doctor said that a channel will open up so he could push our baby out (I don't know if it's true but...Heh this is my story so it'll go my way hehe)

After one hour of him pushing and shouting and my poor hand on death grip we heard a piercing cry from our boy. I looked at Yvonne looking at him with a sleepy smile.

"Why don't you sleep and we'll wake you up when it's feeding time k?" He nodded and closed his eyes as I kiss his forehead.


"Hey baby boy" I held my son on my arms as cooed at his cuteness but he just cried and reach up at something, I heard a soft giggle and I saw the my love looking at us as he held his arms to me, I smiled at him and helped him to sit up and gave him our wailing son.

"There, there" I helped him to take one side of his hospital gown down as he led our baby's mouth to his nipple to sick on it.

I licked my lips as I watch and saw Yvonne giving me a playful glare, I just chuckled at that coz' he still look so cute even if he looked so exhausted.

I lean on him and kissed his lips and then our son's head.

I looked at them in admiration.

I'm happy so happy that I have a wonderful husband and a gift and prove of our love.

"So what name?" I asked.

He looked down and about to speak but someone quietly came through the door and says

"Devin" Kent said "if it's cool with you guys, it's a mix of you names..." I looked at Yvonne to see him admiring our son.

"I like that" he said

"Yeah...Our little Devin"

once upon a Bet?! (boyxboy) (mpreg) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now