C14: sorry...do me a favor

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Drake POV

It still stings...I have a small hand mark on the left side of my face.

"It still stings, you know" I voiced out but he still ignores me. Its now lunch time and we are sitting here at the cafeteria eating.

"Your the one who slapped me like a man and your the one whose mad?" I wont stop talking if he thought I would.

"Oh boohoo and besides I AM A MAN!!!" He snapped at me, hehe saying he's 'A man' with that voice...I wanna laugh!!!


"Ouuuucchhh!!!!!! What the hell?!!!" I yelled and heads turned to look at us but I don't care!, he slapped ME!!! Again!!! on the right side!!! Now my face have a hand mark on both sides!!!

"Your laughing because I said I'm a man!!! I Am A Man!!!!" Our friends crackles-yes 'our friends' hes part of the group now, he's really friendly and the 'freaky faggot' thing is gone now, so he's our friend- he shot them a look and they shut up.

"Come on!!! Saying that with that voice?! Who will believe?!" I wish I didn't say that, he's so red and his cheeks are so fluffy with angry that if you put a red tomato besides his face you wont see the difference.

"Grrrrrrr" he walked out the cafeteria.

"Oh dude your screwed!!" Johnny said "are you two really dating?" He added.

"No, we're not..." I trailed off.

" but you wish you were" Mellisa said in an sing song voice then standing up "gtg I have an assignment to pass to a damn sexy teacher" Simon said, he stood up and walked out.

'Damn!!' I stood up and stormed out of the room and started to jog until-

"And who am I supposed to bring?!...you know I don't have friends!!" Its Yvonne's voice...whose he talking too?. I turn to the corner and saw him talking to the phone, he saw me and- "ok, mom I'll bring someone alright...yeah...bye...love you too" then he hung up his phone.

"Hey" he started "sorry, about that" he said fidgeting then pointing on my cheeks, "really sorry" now he's acting cute..."what's up with the change of attitude?" I asked, "nothing" he looked up at me with a super cute puppy dog eyes, but I'm strong!!! Grrr!!!

"What do you want?"

"Can you come for dinner this Saturday?" He asked still acting cute, Ha! Like that's gonna work 'I wanna pinch that chipmunk cheeks!!!' Say what now?!

"Why would I do that?, after this?!" I stated angrily gesturing on my face.

"Because....I wanna say sorry for it?" He stated...well more like asked.

"Pretty please?" He made his eyes bigger, teary and pouted.

"So your like that when you need something huh?" I raise a brow at him.

"Fine! I'll ask Kent instead!" He fuffed his cheek and turn around but I grabbed his arm and turn him back

"Alright! I'll go! When" i said letting his arm go.

"This Saturday! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" He chanted then walk away...more like skipping away, looks cute though, Hehe I won't argue with that.

'He's a one cute fella'















































Thankyou :)





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