C19.2: Sexy nurse Yvonne (2)

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Warning: this chapter may contain matured scenes that may not be suitable for children

Please do not we reapet do not forget tissues for the drooling that might happen.

Just kidding hehe.

Drake POV

"One last bite" he held the spoon in front of my mouth.

"You've already said that ten spoons ago" I grumbled but still took the spoon of soup he made to my mouth.

"There! All finished" he exclaimed happily while putting away the once full bowl.

"You should change your clothes now" he stated then stood up and make his way to my closet pulling out a pyjamas pair.

"Ugh...I don't want that" , "then what you want to wear?" He asked placing the pairs back.

"Just a T-shirt and a boxer, it'll be fine" I answered snuggling into my bed, I heard light footsteps to the bed and the side dips a little, which means he sat beside me.

"Here, change" he stated handing me a gray boxers and a white shirt.

"Change me!!!" I whined, yes I whine!, and held my arms to him like a boy I am, he sighed but still comply. He lifted my shirt and throw it to the near by chair, lust, that is what I am seeing now in his eyes as he stare at my naked top. I reach for his waist and pull him to my lap causing him to yelp and his dress to go up and letting me see the white lacys and his small bulge that got my dick hard. We stare at each others eyes for a while before I run my hand up to his inner thighs and stops near his bulge then back down earning a small maon from him.

I adjusted him so he is now strandling me, I round up my arms around him and pull him closer to me so our erection is now rubbing with each other. I lift my arm and run my fingers from his forehead,between his dark brown eyes, his small but pointy nose, pink plump lips to his chin down to neck, collarbone until I got to the first button of his pink nurse dress, I open it with a 'pop' till the last one the ended right on his belly button, I looked back up at him and notice that he is even wearing a tube type of bra, I had a lot of sex before this so I know, the lock is on the front so I lingered my finger in there and look at his eyes for permission, be blushed but still nodded.

"I've been waiting for too long to taste them" without hesitation I tear the bra from its lock and suck on one of his nipples hard, it taste exactly what he smelled, strawberry and vanilla? Yeah, I twirled the hard bud with my tounge while still sucking on them, he wrap his arms around my neck and locking his fingers through my hair.

I pull off of his now swolen nipple and looked down and saw a wet spot on his panties "we better take care of that huh?" I asked still looking at the wet spot. I lay him down legs apart, dress open, swollen pink nipples, arms above his head, eyes hooded with lust, breathing heavily "D-Drake...hot...so h-hot!" He moaned and fuck did I came just from that!, without hesitation I slowly took his panties off of him, but of course leaving his stockings untouched, his small but hard erection sprang out, I really thought I'll be digusted but shit!

'I wanna taste that'

I leaned down and lick the tip,


I tried to stop myself but I really can't, I devoured his sweet 'mini me' into my mouth rewarding me a loud and pleasurable maon from him and dammit that is so sexy!

I felt his small fingers locking to my hair as he buck his hips up "Dr-Drake!! Haaaa....mnnn!!!...ngggg...c-co-comming!!!" I felt his hot cum in my mouth and swallowed some of it and kissed him sthraight to his lips so he can taste his own sweet self.

By now I am ready to fuck him, but I know it's still early for that. I restrained myself and put his panties back and button up his bra and 'uniform', when I look at his face I can see the confusion.

"It's too early for you, don't worry I can wait a lifetime till you're ready" I stated and kissed his forehead, he gave me a small thank you  then looked at my hard on.

I chuckled "don't worry, I told you 'I can wait a lifetime till you're ready'"

"Thank you" he gave me a sweet smile that I gladly returned.

We spend the whole night snuggling and just talking and enjoying each other's company :)

∆∆∆the next day∆∆∆

"Aaaaaachoooo!!!!" I don't know how but ge sneezed cutely into the tissue he is holding to his red nose.

"I hate you!" He said but it really came out like "I ngade nyu!" That made me chuckle a little bit.

I am now fully recovered but apperently I just passed the flu to him and now he is bed sick.

"Oh baby I am truly sorry" I gave him a bear hug and he just snuggled to my embrase.

Haha at least he's  not gonna make me wear a uniform right?...right?

"Wait...why aren't you in uniform?"
(Nwait...whyd arndt nyu ind ungiform?)
I just want to say thank you for supporting this book that is I am making.. Apparently 20 votes did not make it but I am still thanking you for the voyes and comments
I am doing this so I can make 1000 words in this chapter.
And if its not too much trouble...recommend XD jk
But still I Love You all and thank you very much
Stay pretty lovely bunnies
Vhunny out!!!

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