C16: It hurts too much

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Bet day: 45

Drake POV:


"And when he's needs something he will just widen his eyes, fidgets and pout! All in all he will just act cute! So when he does that just ask him what you need, so you won't suffer under the cuteneeeeeeessss!!!!" That jo-jo guy stated the pinched Yvonne's chubby cheeks.

That guy from the reunion been here since then, he gone to our school now and  already catched everubody's heart! Even Yvonne's!!!, and another!, he always act like he knows him like the back of his fucking hand! I mean I understand that the two of them have been 'best-friends' since fucking birth! But he doesn't have to rub it on my face?!

Do you know what else I notice from him?! When his arm is  on Yvonne's shoulder, he will look at me then smirk! I mean, come on! I don't even know what I am feeling anymore! I think...I...I'm...jealous?

I can't! Unless...I...l-no!

Do I?


"Ouch!,stop it!" I was cut off of my thoughts and looked at the 'love birds' bleh!!(bitter much?) Jo-jo is still pinching Yvonne's cheeks and then tickling him. They look so good together actually

'Dug Dug!'

It burns...my chest hurts at that thought...why?

I put my hand on my chest then rubs it...maybe the pain will go away...but it wont, still hurts, if not it hurts more... Like cutting deeper so it can burn more.

"Hey...you ok?" Mellisa asked as she pat my back, mel is like a sister to me so there is  no sexual tensions in that move.

"Yeah...I uh..just...going to the...boys room" I stuttered then getting up...not to go the boys room but to somewhere refreshing.

As I walk through the empty halls someone called me, but I didn't mind it

"Drake wait!" Said the person calling me then grabbing my arm "I said wait!" I turn around and my Eyes widen at the sight before me, Yvonne panting and looking up at me.

"What?" I aske coldly.

"Huh?...oh uh...uhm...you ok?" He asked, he pulled his hand back from my arm then hold it to his chest.

"Yvonne?" I looked up and saw jo-jo lookinf around, I placed my gaze back to Yvonne and saw him deep in thoughts.

I can't do this anymore

"Let's stop this"

I can't do this anymore... I really do love him...and it hurts to see him with someone else...

its hurts too much
Omg!!! What will happen next?
Tell me XD
Stay pretty sexy bunnies!!!
Vhunny out!

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