C30: I'll keep it

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Drake's POV:

Our car ride is intensely silent that no one is making any noise well I don't but the three at the back are gushing silently at a brochure at thier hands like they are going to a tour or something.

I looked back at them and saw what written at a brochure 'San Francisco wedding destinations'. What the hell?

They saw me looking at them with a frown on my face and immediately threw the brochure away I mean literally trew it out of the fast moving car's Window and smiled at me sheepishly.

I'm about to ask them why but the darkness suddenly stooped and when I looked at the front I saw that the hood are smoking.

"Oh, no" Kent said and looked opened the hood and more smoke came out, I got out of the sarcasm to ask take a look but he suddenly closed it again.

"What happened!" I asked a little panicky as the others get out.

"The car stopped" Alex said the obvious.

"No Shit sherlock" Simon sassed him.

"Shit! How am I gonna get there now?!" I yelled grabbing my hair and tugging at it hard.

"Hey! I know that plaque!" Jojo screamed pointing at a limousine that just passed us. "It's Yvonne's family car!!" He added jumping up and down. Without thinking I run after it, they asked me what I'm doing but I didn't care I run and run after the car but it's getting away.

I didn't give up tho...not this time, not now, not ever.

I want my Yvonne back and If I had to run across the country just to get to his then be it. (it's just the airport tho its just a I think 1 kilometers away)

I still can see it even if it's far even if it's dark now. I also saw the airport's lights and I don't know how but I pushed myself to run faster as I saw the car stop and the door opened.

"YVONNE!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I saw him getting out of the car in front of the airport, he looked back at me.

His eyes widen in surprise but he immediatly recovered and put up a poker face, but failing misserably, I took a step by step to his direction until I'm in front of him.

"You lied" I stated still panting " You said...you don't love me and I can't be in your life anymore..."

"Drake plea-" I cut him off by putting my finger on his lips "let me finish" I breath out.

"You lied to me...if you don't love me, why are you doing this?...saving my family from yours...you said you don't want me in your life...maybe yeah...but...I want you in mine, you and him or her" I placed my hand on his stomach then rub it slowly and gently " you may not want me, but I know you need me, as I need you" a tear slipped out of his eyes.

"So please.. Stay" I stated as I lean down to kiss him.

"Drak-" once again I cut him by kissing him straight to his lips, tasting salty liquid as I move my lips to his.

I pulled back just enough to that I can look at his eyes "now tell me, now I know everything...do you love me?" I asked him, tears slipped out of his eyes one after another and he is now a sobbing mess and just nodded his head eyes closed trying to stop his tears.

I chuckled softly as I brush his hair out of his face using my hand "come on, say it!, I wanna hear it from you not watch it" he just shook his head a no, I know he can't speak right now coz he'll gust stutter but, I want to gear it. I don't care if I had to wait an hour or so just for him to finish saying that he loved him, that he LOVES me.

"Please?" I softly bump my forehead to his and closed my own eyes waiting for him to stop crying tell me he loves me.

He whimpered but still tried to talk "I-im...s-ssssorry...I-i l-l-love you....so-so much" he said wiping his eyes dry and just smiled up at me.

"Let's go home?" I asked him and held his hand but before we took one step we heard someone clapping then another behind us. We looked back and saw both of our parents there's clapping and smiling brightly at us.

To say I'm socked is...i don't really know, what the heck is happening?

And as if reading our mind my father talked

"it's all planed..." I think my jaw fallen to the center of the earth and I think Yvonne's too.

"Honey remember when I said long time ago that we have a very very close friend in this state?" His dad asked and Yvonne just nodded "well...As you can see its the Ridges!!" He said cheerfully.

"We ate great friends when we were still in high school!!!" My mom added.

"Jemma here told me about your relationship and the dinner so...." Yvonne's mom trailed off and looked at my mom.

"We decided to test the two of you if you really love each other!!!" They both squealed and hold onto each others hands and jumped up and down.

"Then we found out you are pregnant" his dad said "so we want to know if the two of you is capable of being a parent" my dad added.

"And now you just proved yourselves that you two is responsible and truly love each other!!!" Our mothers said in unison.

We heard a car stopped and saw our friends getting out of the still smoking car.

"How the..." I didn't continue my question as I saw Kent taking a bucket of dry ice out of the hood of the car...so they are part of all of this huh?

"Yeah...your parents asked us to do so...sorry?" They said.

"So...we're good to be together?" Yvonne asked and they just answered us with a 'mhm'.

"Wait! What about the redhead?" I asked my dad and as if on cue she showed up but instead of going my direction she goes beside Mel and they kissed!!!

"Yeah...She's mine" Mel said wrapping her arm around redheads waist and pulling her closer.

"Are we done?" Simon asked and all of us looked at each other and nodded our heads, he then screamed

"San Francisco! !!!!!!!" With the brochure on his hand.

"Oh my goodness your right! We're going to be late!!!" My mom panicked

"Late for what?" Yvonne asked

"It's a surprise! !!...everyone got thier passport and things?" his mom asked everyone and they nodded.

"Wait, what?" Me and Yvonne asked

"Here's yours son, now let's go!" My dad gave me my passport and a first class ticket.

"So...we're just going to move on and go with them?" I asked Yvonne and he just looked at me.

"I don't care actually" he wrap his slender arms around my neck and pull me closer to him "as long as we're together, no matter where we go and no matter what they do I don't care as long as I'm with you" he pecked my lips and smiled.

"Is that a promise?" I asked and he nodded but I shook my head no, I pulled away and go on one knee then held the ring he gave back to me.

"Do you promise?" I repeated.

He gave me a sweet smile that made me smile back.

"I promise and this time...I'll keep it"

once upon a Bet?! (boyxboy) (mpreg) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now