C15.1:Meeting his family (1)

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for @yaoifangurl1


Drake POV

"Can I come?" Dereck asked me as I wear my suit for tonight-Yvonne said it's for first impresion- like I need it, I really decided that after this deal/bet I'll pretend nothing happened, besides after 4 months scholl is over, seniors will graduate, we'll go to our colleges/univerities, and we all will forget all about this...and him too. -but..- no! No buts!

"I don't know ask him" I answered dereck's question, "ok" then I heard ringing,someone pick up "hello?, who is this?, how did you get my numbe-" "Woah there tiger! It's Dereck the sexy god" He cut him off, and what is with that 'SEXy god'?

"Oh...hi Dereck! Is your brother ready?" I heard he asked. "Nah! He said he have to fix his hair still, anyway...vonnie can I come too?" 'Vonnie'? Where did that come from?

"Uhmm...alright just be-" Dereck cut him off by hunging up on him.

"That's rude you know" I more like stated to him, he just rolled his eyes and walking out of my room saying 'I have to look hot' why? Don't fucking ask me.

~~Bok's household~~ •••Yvonne's mom family name•••

"You late!!" Yvonne snapped after we got to the meeting place.

"Kind of" Dereck shrugged the looked up.

The place is not just a house!!! Its a mansion!!! Its so big and...old?

Its like a korean mansion.(the side)

I looked back to Yvonne and I was...stunned!

He looks beautiful in a orange and black silky traditional dress!!(the side),

'Beautiful' I thought as I still looking at this beauty in front of me.

He blushed then looked anywhere but me...wait,wait,,wait! Did I say that out loud? My eyes is now the size of a saucer. And as if on que-

"Yeah dude...you did, you really did" Drake put his hand on my shoulder then shook his head. I gave him a glare and he gave me a smirk, we've been at it for I think 5 minutes until-

"Ahem!!" We looked to where the noise came from and we saw Yvonne with an amused expression on his face.

"Shall we?" He gestured to the big wooden door.

"Yup, let us meet your family!"
Chap. 15.5 for you.
Comment :)
Thanks!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
Stay pretty lovely bunnies!!!!
Vhunny outz!!!

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