C6: The date

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Bet: day 13

Drake POV:

“so...uhm...uh...about the person you like...who is it?” I awkwardly ask him braking the silence in the car

I had picked him up and i admit he looked cute in his outfit(to the side or top just add a white knee socks and a black flats and a cute purse).

Im still a little bothered by that dream I had last night or rather the nightmare. I wonder what it means.

“hey! Are you even listening?” I was back in reality when he poked my arm and asked the question.

“huh?,oh sorry, what is it again?” I  glanced at him then back to the road. “you asked me something” he said.

Oh right, that “oh, then who is it anyway?, someone I know?” he looked down and blushed and I barely heard him say ‘very’.

“then who?” he just stare at his fiddling fingers until I turned into a dirt road to the woods, he looked up and his eyes widened to what he sees.

“are you planning on killing me, and then bury my body in here?” he asked. “'course not!, I'm offended!” I put one of my hand on my chest to pretend that I'm hurt to what he said, then I thought I heard an angel when he giggled “hey! Im not joking, I admit I'm kind of a heart breaker-” he cut me off by laughing out loud, but not in a diaturbing way.

“‘kind off’?, are you kidding me?” he said between laughs and I just rolled my eyes.

We are alredy in our destination, its a cliff where you can see the small town's lights, and I know it's a ‘cliche' scene that you see in movies, but admit it! It's quite beautiful and romantic.

“stay here” i said as i got out of the car and go to the back to fetch the basket and a soft white blanket, i lay the blanket at the hood of the car and take the foods and drinks out of the basket and put in on the blanket, I jog to his side of the car and opened the door for him when he was out I just go with my instinct and put my hands on his waist to help him up before I hop up myself.

“so as I was saying, before I'm rudely interrupted,” I said while preparing the food for us. “ I kind of a heart breaker, but-” i was cut off again with a soft laugh coming from someone in front of me “really?” I rose a brow at him and he just gestured for me to continue while he stiffle his laughs “thank you, now to where I left of...” I thought for a while and nothing came up “I have nothing” i looked away from him as he bursted out a laugh and lay on the blanket hands on his tummy, yes I said tummy got a problem with that?.

After a minute he stopped and sit up and looked at the food, the food consist of pasta and garlic bread that made by the one and only me and the drinks are soda and...well wine that I may or may not stole from my dad's wine cabinet at his office, and some strawberries and chocolate dipp.

He eyed the wine then looked at me with a raised brow.

“what?” I asked inoccently “dont you ever had a wine or sething alcoholic before?” ge shakes his head no “well, more for me” I took a wine glass from the basket and pour myself some of it and drink it.

I looke at Yvon to see him already eating. I studied his features from his silky black hair, thin eyebrows, long lashes, dark eyes, chubby cheeks, his cute little nose, soft, sweet pink lips, slrnder neck, feminine body, loong slender legs, anyone can be fooled that he's a girl. I looked back up at his eyes and found it looking back at me, I trace his face once again amd saw a some sause left at the corner of hia lips, I reach it out to wipe it but I ended up touching his lips and lean closer...



Just inches away from his soft lips and...
So what do you think?
Tell me tell me tell me!!!
Stay pretty lovely bunnies!!! ❤

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