C9: A night to remember

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Drake pov:

'I can't sleep'

Sitting on a black leather chair near the bed where he is sleeping and knowing that he's wearing my clothes and remembering what my whore of a brother said a while ago is frustrating!


"hey! I heard my name who's calling?" the whore asked entering the kitchen with nothing but a tight black boxers.

"oh hey honey, why are you still awake? It's already midnight" my mom asked while washing her hands.

"meh, I felt hor- oohlala who's this beauty in here?" Dereck walked to where Yvonne is, who is sitting right next to me. He held Yvonne's hand with his and kiss the back of it with a 'seducing smirk' that I really really want to slap out of his face!

Don't get me wrong I love my brother, but I really don't want anyone to go in between Yvonne and m- wait! What am I saying?! Let me rephrase that, I don't want him to go in between Yvonne and I's deal!

Yeah! That it! Coz if Yvonne fall for someone else he will rethink our deal and he'll say 'no deal' and then walk away with the wh- I mean Dreck and then the bet with Kent will be no more and then say bye bye to $800! That wont happen! I have to move!

"he's a boy! And no time for you coz' he is terribly tired now and going to sleep, so bye bye! Night, night!" I yanked him out of my brother's hand drag him to where my mom is then kiss her ckeeks "and hope we won't see you tommorow" I lastly said to the wh-, Dereck! I mean to Dereck, before dragging him up stairs to my room. But not before I saw the knowing smirks on my mom's face and my brother says 'someone is turning' and I do know what that means.

End of flashback

So now we are here, actually we kinda fought who's sleeping in the bed and who's on the matress and being a gentle man that I am I made him sleep on the bed, good thing he didn't made fun of my room. You know being 'bat cave' like of room. And about his clothes, my mom told me to let him borrow some of my clothes so I gave him a shirt and a white pyjamas but he didn't use the pj, the shirt is too big for him, too big that his milky white shoulder is poking out and long enough to rest on his mid tights.

I know what you're thinking. 'what is he wearing underneat if he is not wearing the pj?' the answer is he's wearing panties!

Pink Lacey panties!

No! I did not peak! It's just...bad...timing.........alright! I did! Don't blame me! I'm curious! And he's even wearing a tube! But he took it off and...I...kinda saw...them...those pink...plump....nipples of his, that looks so sweet, I wonder what would it really taste if I lick or suck them, the tought of it made my dick twit-

"mnhmnnn" a moan and shuffling snap me out of my dirty thoughts. And what I saw made my poor jr. Rock hard. He's sprawled in bed, legs slightly apart just enough to see his panties, the shirt is lifted just below his pink buds, arms above his head, all in all his body is like saying 'DIG IN!'

I looked down to the laceys, and there is a small bulge,and I mean really small!

Wait isn't he cold? Oh right it's hot in my room, I don't really like to be in the cold so I just rarely use my A/C

I stood up from my seat and walked to A/C and turn it on.

I made my way to the bed to cover him up but the stupid bulge is calling for me!

I dont have Any control of my body anymore! My hand is already near the panties 'i wonder, how small is he?' I hooked a finger at the hem of it and looked inside, I really thought i'll be grossed out at looking to someone else's dick but...his's is...cute?

I mean, it's so small, childlike small. It looks like a very small banana, well the inside of the banana 'I wonder if it taste sweet too' I thought to myself.

I gulped and took a hold of his...friut?, coz' it looks like a small banana.

Its soft. I started to stroke it a little and it harden.

"ahhhmmm" the sound made my dick rock hard so I stopped my hand, pull it out of his panties, cover him up and gone by my seat earlier.

Shit! I know I won't forget this!
9th chapter!!
What do you think?

April 03 2015

Stay pretty lovely bunnies

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