C7: What is happening?!

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(Same night)
Drake pov


I nearly jumped up when we heard a loud sound and saw some lights in the sky that took us out of our trance.

'What the hell am I about to do?!, kiss him?!, no! I can't!'I thought to myself

"Sorry" he said fixing his hair

"No...um...it-it's me who s-should be s-sorry..." Damn! Why do I have to be so nervous! I didn't do anything bad!

"So,Yvon...um...about that crush,like...love? ,of yours...who is it?" I asked reaching for the glass of wine and taking a sip not looking at him.


He didn't answer so I looked up and saw him looking at the fireworks continuing to light up the dark sky and giving us, no giving me more light to see him, his dark eyes lit up with amusement while looking at the sky. A smile tugged to my lips, a blush formed in his cheeks and that just added to his cuteness but something hit my thoughts

'Maybe...he remembered that person he likes and imagining person is with him now'

That tought gave my heart a little squeez and make my smile go down.

Wait! Why am I feeling like this anyway? I mean, I don't even know him that much this is just a bet!

'But, even if it is just a bet abd I relly don't know him that much, I've been captivated by his beauty'

I look down then up the sky to watch the pretty fireworks

I'll just think about this sometimes else.


Yvon pov

I watched the fireworks in amazement, its really beautiful, I think he said something but I couldn't hear it because of the fireworks.

Then I remember the scene earlier, his lips ,his eye- what am I thinking?!!

I felt my cheeks heaten up, I looked at him at the coner of my eyes, he's also looking at the bright night sky.

I felt butterflies in my stomach while looking at him.

He's... Hansome, I think smart?...hot?

Ugh stop! Just stop, mind! Don't do this to me! I like kent! Kent!...ke-Drake...

Ngggggg!!!! Stop now!


Don't think about it...him!


I snapped my head in his direction and felt a snap from my neck.

"Owwie" cried out in pain and held my neck. "hey! You okay?" Drake asked me, I tried to nod but I just hurt myself.

"maybe we should go home or go to my house...I think my mom is home now, she should know what to do" he suggested and since I couldn't nod I just gave him a whisphered K.

He helped me get down from the hood of the car and in the car, now we are on our way to his house.


Chapter 7

I know there is a lot of grammar and spelling errors, please understand :)

Stay pretty lovely bunnies!!!!

once upon a Bet?! (boyxboy) (mpreg) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now