C23: The Talk

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Looks like you enjoyed the last chap.
I just wish you'll enjoy this one too :)

Yvonne POV: ( it's been a long time)

"Honey can we talk?" Sky asked and reached for my hand, I just nodded.

We walked to his office I think, the moment he opened  the door  I have been enflauged with a cozy room with pictures on the wall, most of the pictures are drawings.

"Your pregnant aren't ya?" He blurted out

"What?" i asked even if I alraedy know what he is talking about.

He wadled to me and placed his hands on my tummy. "Here, there is a life growing in here" he seriously stated and I broke down.

"Yes! I am! But I can't tell him! He'll leave me! I know I can be pregnant even tho I am a man, my parents told me from the first week after we made love! But I can't tell him! He will think I'm a freak!" I screamed even I know that it'll be bad for the child. When my parents told me I can bare a child...I felt happiness but also worry and most of all...fear.

I took a test couple days ago and it all came up positive.

"It's ok...I know it's hard to suck it all in on just a young age but...it'll turn out good, trust me" he said a motherly smile on his face "The boy outside...is he the father?" He asked, I just nodded looking down.

"He doesn't know does he?" He tilted my head up, I  shook my head, no.

He sighed and stood up carefully "come back here tomorrow, we'll talk again,k?" I nodded and stood up also making our way out.

As we near our table I lost my appetite and saw the two talking seriously.

"Hey babe, you ok?, your eyes are red did you cry?, what's the problem?" He shot me with so many questions when we arrived at the booth. All the carring in his eyes, I wish he'll still be like that when he will find out. I smiled at him the hug him kissing his cheeks and in no time he returned the geusture.

I wish.

He won't leave me.

"Can we go home?, I'm kind of tired" I asked and just nodded.

He took out his wallet to pay but Sky said it's on the house, we thanked the couple and walked out the café.

The ride home was soooooooooo quiet and  it's deffening!

We arrived at my house and we got out, he asked me if I was really okay and I said yes.

I kissed him 'goodbye and see you tonight'.

I plan on telling him and our family tonight but...I really don't know.

I just wish I'll have the courage to do so.

Please let me have the courage!

Thank you for waiting!!!! :)
I have a free time then I saw my phone and a chap hit my head so I wrote it!!!
I wish you liked it!!!!
Oh!!! And a cross over from one of my unfinished,yet, stories!!!!!!! You figure what lol
Stay pretty lovely bunnies!!!!!
Vhunny hopping out!!!

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