C10: Just a bet

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This is dedicated to mariian1 and mhelie because she inspired me :)
Thank you :)

Bet: day 14


Drake POV

"So Kent, Kent Keagan Kent?" I asked him shocked, effing that!

"Yes! Kent Keagan, Kent" he said a bit irritated, if you say I'm shock is under statement! I'm freaking out inside! Hah! Out inside, try to put this out, inside! Lol! Get it? Out...inside...no? Oh...,awkward, anyway we're here on my car driving to school, we made up our decision and make this fake 'going out' to the next level so the faster it goes the faster he fall for me and we can uh...do it and get me money. Well that's my plan and him with...Kent? Seriously? What will he feel if he found out that Kent was the one who started all of this? He'll be hurt! That's what he will feel!

"Oh" I said as I park at the school's parking lot "stay here" I told him before I got out and open the door for him.

Why him? "So why Kent?" I voiced oit my thoughts "well he is cute...in a way" he said casually.

I opened the front door for him to get in,what? I'm a gentleman!, "oh! My locker is over there so I'm gonna get going, see you at lunch" he said and run off to the direction of his locker while his cute black n' white dress bouncing up and down, I started to go to my locker and let the school day begin.

(Time skip) ∆lunch time∆ ~∆~

"Hey!" I greeted Yvonne as he got out of his class "hi, let's go?"

As we walk to the cafeteria all eyes are on us and the other students began to say things like:

"Why is that freaky-fag with him?"


"I saw him in his car this morning, are they dating or something?"


"Maybe he did some voodoo to him to make Drake fall for him"

You're kidding me right? Voodoo? Who does that today?

I felt something brush behind my arm then when I looke at it, it's Yvonne, looks like he's hiding from thier stares and rude comments. I quikly grab his hand and drag him to the cafeteria and seated him in my spot after I found our li'l group and buy food then back to our table and seat to the extra spot next to him, all my friends faces is in curious mode, maybe because the 'freaky faggot' is with me...us, I mean who even invented that name! He's not even doing anything bad to them right?! I mean he's nice, kind, caring, Funny and fun to be with- wait why am I defending him?!

I sighed and looked at the food in front of me.



"Dude! Whoohoo! Earth to Drake!"

"What?!" I growled to the person who'se shaking and callinge, when I looked up I saw one of my friends what his name again...oh Johnny, he nodded his head to the side where Yvonne is, he looking down at his hands on his lap while biting his lip,

"Oh guys! This is Yvonne" I gestured to him and he said a faint 'hi' to them and wave his small hand a little " this is Johnny, Alex, Mellissa, Violeta or Vi, Simon and Kent" they gave him a heys and his.

"Hey!" Kent gave him his hand to Yvonne to shake, he hesitated but still shook it, he blushed and Kent just smirk at that "you're cute, I like cute, wanna hang out after school?" Kent asked and the troop agreed so he just get on with it and nod.

I admit when Kent said that he's cute and he likes him, it kinda pain me.

It can't be it right? I can't, this is nothing.

I can't fall for him

'This is just a BET!'

10th chap. What ya think?

Vote and comments are highly appreciated :)

Stay pretty lovely bunnies

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