Just Fluff

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"I looked through your results, everything is fine. You only need to not miss you physical therapy sessions so that you can rebuild the muscles you lost and get that legs going, okay?" It was in the afternoon, a week after his return from Malaysia. Sam had managed to avoid visiting the young man, though not on purpose as he was busy catching up on his delayed appointments and paperworks.

"So I can leave the hospital?" The young man said, sloppily dabbing his soaked hair with a towel on one hand and supporting himself with crutches on another.

"Yes, today. Isn't that exciting?" Sam hung back the medical report on the bed's rail and helped correct the mismatched buttons on the man's clothes before sitting him on a chair. The action felt habitual to him as he had been buttoning the man's shirt for the last six months. He cleared his throat as their eyes met. The short eye contest only lasted 5 seconds before Sam took the towel on the man's shoulder and walked behind the man to start patting his hair dry. It's getting too long Sam thought.

"Mm, I guess so." The man fiddling on his own shirt buttons didn't miss Sam's eyes.

"Don't worry, you're coming home with me. You can help around the house." Sam slapped his forehead in his mind. That sounded better in my head.

"I will! Thank you." Sam rubbed the towel harder on the man's hair as he heard the excited tone, only slowing down as a pale hand grabbed his wrist.

"Ah, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I think having my head cut opened is far worse."

Sam stared at the hand around his wrist, his fingers were long and slender, not really any visible veins and his touch felt smooth and silken, unlike his own. Sam was snapped out of his trance as the man continued. "But I'm sure you did a good job. I couldn't even see the scar."

"Your hair has grown over them. You can still feel it at the back here." Sam freed his wrist and took the man's hand in his palm and guided it towards the slightly raised scar.

"Oh yeah, that's so cool."

Sam smiled, its rare hearing his patient to approve of their own scar but the hand was suddenly pulled away. Sam put away the wet towel and reached for the comb on the table by the bed.

"Uh.. umm, Dr. Sam?"

"Just call me Sam."

"Sam.. Can you name me?"

"Hm?" Sam lifted a brow at the sudden request.

"Please name me. Dr. Ray kept calling me 'Sam's boyfriend', I'm not sure you like that."

"Why wouldn't I like that?" Sam hand's which was combing the man's hair came to a halt as he saw the man's head was slightly tilted. What did I just say?

"Hahah, I mean, don't mind that idiot. Mm, what would you like to be called?"

"Anything. Up to you."

"Mm. Why me?"

"Boyfriend privilege." Sam couldn't see the expression of the man sitting in front of him, so he glanced towards the window in front of them. His eyes met the pair of eyes in the reflection, the man was watching him with a smile on his face. Sam instantly moved his gaze towards the comb in his hand.

"Right..ha ha.. Let me think about it first." Sam have always been bad at naming things, the best he could do for the kitten he found during his 7th birthday was Little Kitty while the one hairless cat he had feed at college he called Mew cause he thought the cat really looked like that pokemon. Now, at the age of 28 he could easily name every part of human brain and every procedure there is to cut open a person's head but to name a person would be challenging. Right, pokemon's name could be better but he couldn't exactly call the man Squirtle can he?

Boyfriend Privilege (Sam YU AU FF)Where stories live. Discover now