To Live

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Yu was jerked awake from a long and dark dream. The sudden blare of sunlight attacking him from the outside worsened the dizziness and confusion as he was pulled up into the reality. Trying to sit up on the bed, he groaned out of pain coming from every inch of his body. He looked down to see his wounds bandaged up. Under the thick blanket, he was shirtless save for the bandages. The grey tracksuit on him was Sam's as he recognized from the first look. He looked around to see that he was still in Sam's house in Jiufen, an IV bag attached to his arm.

Zi Hong.. Yu recalled the face he saw before he passed out. He wanted to stand up when he heard a voice spoke, "About time you wake up. I thought I have to move here or something."

"Ray..?" Yu blinked his eyes a few times before the man came nearer and tossed a fresh shirt onto the bed and took out the needle from his arm.

"Wear that. Let's have some lunch."

"How.. How long have I been out?" Yu asked carefully as he sipped on the hot soup, reminded of Ray's outburst a few days before.

"Three days." Ray answered, short, not even bothering to look Yu in the eyes as he scrolled through his phone.

"Is it you.. who saved me?" Yu asked another question hesitantly. His question sounded straightforward but he was hoping for a particular answer.

"Who else then? You're lucky I didn't thought of you as a burglar or something."

Yu bit his lips as he heard Ray's answer. What was I even hoping for? It couldn't possibly be Sam.


"You were shot. I don't think sending you to the hospital was the right choice." Ray answered, as if knowing what Yu was planning to ask. He put down his chopstick on the table and his phone along with it as he stared into the man sitting in front of him.

"You shouldn't have saved me."

"Your 'friends' came over to look for you. They told me everything." Ray added, feigning ignorance to the frail looking man in front of him. Evan was right, Yu did plan to die that night. Ray softened his tone, not wanting to make worse of the man's grieve.

"I think you should go with the police." Ray continued as he received no response. Yu fiddled with spoon he was holding, his eyes almost lifeless.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Cooperate, go into witness protection. You can't keep hiding forever."

It wasn't a thought that had not crossed Yu's mind. He knew that even with Machida dead, there's still a lot of risks from the others. With the word out that he was holding onto the files, the other clans would try to steal it for their own advantage while his own men may try to kill him out of fear that Yu would betray them.

"I'm fine." It wasn't fear that Yu was afraid of. It's living itself.

Ray snorted as he heard Yu's response. "Would you rather live in fear then? Think about what Sam would've wanted. Do you think he sacrificed himself just so you could die too?"


"If you don't want to betray your 'friends', then don't. Just give up some information and save the others. No one would know. Or else, make a deal for them too, that if, if your trust the police." Ray contended. Yu couldn't hear the sarcastic tone Ray would took whenever he was joking with Sam back then.

"I don't."

"The former then."


"Do it. For Sam. Even if you can't find the will to live, live Sam's life for him. Repay him. I don't know how but try. I'm sure you could at least do that after all that you've done." Ray spoke in an almost persuasive tone yet the anger in his tone didn't escape Yu's ears.

Yu lowered his head, his hand was whirling the soup in the bowl using the spoon. Slowly, he nodded his head as the salty droplets from his eyes met his trembling lips.


Boyfriend Privilege (Sam YU AU FF)Where stories live. Discover now