Simple Things

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"That's easy. I already do."

The grin on Sam's face was slowly replaced with a soft smile, he regarded the pair of obsidian eyes as he straightened his back, entertaining the flooding thoughts in his mind.

He like me? In what way? The way I like him or in the way I like cats? It has been a while since Sam started noticing how Shu Yi resembled a cat, his thick black hair reminded Sam of a Norwegian forest cat he had played with in the past during one of his volunteer works.

"I.." like you too.

Click! A whirring sound followed soon after.

Sam saw a sudden flash from a camera in Shu Yi's eyes which had immediately shut tight.

Sam stood up and rushed to stand in front of Shu Yi. It was in a split second but he was sure that the unlooked-for intrusion had made Shu Yi uncomfortable. He glanced over at Shu Yi who was now clasping his lowered head with one head, as if trying to hide away from something.

"What do you think you are doing!?" Sam put his hand on his hip, another pointed towards an old man in checkered shirt and khaki shorts, with an analog camera hung around his neck. The man took off his bucket hat and bowed several times saying sorry in Japanese of which Sam could easily understand from his experiences reading mangas and watching animes. He remembered Jiufen Old Street being a well-known tourist spot, especially for Japanese tourists.

Sam was about to deliver his speech on personal space when a warm hand tugged on his. He turned his head to see Shu Yi lifting his chin to meet his eyes.

"It's fine. I'm fine."

Sam gripped the still shivering hand tighter in his as the unknown man approached their table. The man handed a piece of Polaroid towards Sam, talking more in a foreign language, out of Sam's comprehension. Sam figured the old man was apologizing based on his gestures but Sam still left the polaroid hanging in front of him.

Instead, a slender hand reached for the picture from behind him. Sam watched as Shu Yi gave the man a bitter smile while exchanging short conversations before Sam and Shu Yi were left alone again. The restaurant had started to be filled with tourists, most of them from the same group of that old man.

Sam dragged his seat to seat by Shu Yi's side, letting go the hand he was still holding tight just then. "What did he say? You understood him?"

"Yeah. Mm, he said we looked beautiful together, hence the picture."

Sam took the polaroid in Shu Yi's hand to take a closer look. The picture of them looking at each other, with the view of the mountains on the background and soft light from the morning sun really was a good take.

"I speak Japanese, I already told the police about it but the embassy said there's no record of my fingerprint in their database as well. I thought you knew."

Sam slid his hand into his jacket's pocket and took out his cellphone. He placed the polaroid carefully inside his phone's clear casing, smiling at how he finally had a picture of them both together.

"Lin Zi Hong.. Are you hearing me? What are you doing? When did we decide you get to keep the picture?"

"So you are neither a Taiwanese nor a Japanese?" Sam tapped the corner of his phone on the table, trying to fix a poker face.

He heard soft chuckle from the man in front of him, "Fine, you can keep it. But, won't you feed me? I'm starving."

The corners of Sam's lips curved upwards. Shu Yi could ask for the stars and Sam would still try his best to get them. He could ask for the whole world and Sam would give him his own. Won't he feed Shu Yi? I would hold a banquet for you. Wait, won't that be a wedding though?

Sam's eyes followed the tilt of Shu Yi's head, probably still waiting for Sam to answer him. Sam's smile stretched wider. Despite the confused look, Shu Yi still smiled back at him. A smile that made Sam's heart dropped a beat.

Was that a sign? That his heart was no longer his?

"Let's go."

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