Chapter 4

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The process was slow, the time seeming to slow even more from the time I had started. It took a while to get all the poison out of his wound. The same thing that was causing a fever to spread over the poor boys body. He was burning up and all I could do was try my best to help and prevent it from getting worse.

His already matted hair was damp with sweat, and I realized I was going to have to sew it up. Not the best option but I didn't know what else to do. His blood was soaking the towel I had played over the couch to try and catch it. If a little got on I didn't notice through the tunnel vision I had.

I went over to a chest and grabbed the needle and the tread Philza had pestered me about having. For once, I was glad to have the things on hand that I needed. Luckily the fever had already knocked Tommy out. I didn't have the right sort of medicine to make it not hurt, and I could tell that this one would.

I mean, I wasn't glad Tommy was out cold because of a fever but it's better then nothing right? I held the needle on a flame for a bit and got to work.  It took about fifteen minutes to get it securly sewed and bandaged properly. I was finally able to turn my attention to the arrow sticking out of his leg that I had been avoiding till now. Pulling it out any sooner would cause him to bleed out. I would like the avoid that honestly.

The first thing I did was grab copious amounts of towels and more bandages. I had my fair share of arrow wounds from my time. One thing I knew for sure was they bleed... A lot. I removed the arrow with a bit of force, wincing at the sound, and immediately had to put pressure. I sat there for another 15 minutes, adding a new towel every 5 minutes or so to stop the bleeding. In the end I had a small pile next to me.

I also had to sew this wound up after sanitizing it. It was slightly smaller, but it was deeper. It wasn't pretty by any means but at least it wasn't going to either get infected or make him bleed out.

And lastly, was his left hand..there was some sort of homemade bandage on it. I slowly unwrapped it and saw what was there. I was met with a pretty bad burn. I rinsed it off and re did the wrap, better this time, and with some actual bandages. Not some scrappy, itchy cloth that was there.

I inspected it and wondered where he had thought it would be a good idea that this would be ok to use. It was slightly burnt on a part. His arm seemed irritated from the texture of the thing. I didn't blame him though, guessing by his condition I would be surprised if he had anything else.

After everything was done and a few potions drank, I took him from the couch I had preformed the first aid on and as carefully as I could, picking him up. He was light, a little too light, but I couldn't really ask questions at the moment. I looked up at the ladder infront of me and sighed. I thought about how to get him up without damaging him any more then he already was. Not a very simple task.

It took me more time then normal as I balanced him on my back and hoisted the two of us up. I placed him on the bed and walked to the wardrobe in the corner of my bedroom, grabbing the nearest thing without thinking to hard about it, or really looking at it for the matter. I draped it over him and inspected him one last time.

Tommy's face was covered in grime that looked oddly like an explosion happened right in front of him. That mixed with the burnt bandage, if you can even call it that, and the burn itself I had a sneaking suspicion that that wasn't to far off from what did take place.

I closed the trap door as quietly as I could and made my way back down the ladder. It was a lot easier this time with it just being me. I collapsed on the couch and realized just how tired I was.

It didn't take long for me to pass out and sleep to reclaim me. I didn't realize how tense I was since finding the boy in the snow. There was a lot I needed to know and a lot I needed to ask. I could only hope that he would be fine while I was asleep.


Tommy POV

I woke up with a fit of coughs and sharp pains over my entire body, but that wasn't the point right now. No, that spot was taken by the questions that immediately flooded my brain when I could form a coherent thought over the pain.

Where was I?

What happened?

And more importantly, where was Dream?

No, no, I don't want Dream. I don't even want to think of that neon green bastard. A flood of flashbacks reinforcing that thought and filling me in on my current situation. Or at least what I can remember of my situation. Theres a big gap in events on how  I ended up where I am now.

I looked around the room and realized it was completely a new setting. A place that I didn't recognize. I had never been here before, I was sure of that. I gripped the sheets placed over me tighter as I attempted to sit up.

I cried out in pain as it felt like a thousand knives had just been stabbed into my shoulder. In fact, my entire body seemed to be against me moving. The soreness that gripped my existence never leaving.

Following my cries, was a bang, and then footsteps. I flinched without thinking to every heavy foot fall as something, someone, was approaching the trap door leading to the small room I was in. It got closer and closer till I knew it was too late to hide.

I starred in fear as the door slowly opened. Was it dream? Was he here to completely the job he said he would? At first all I saw was the bright pink hair poking slightly above the opening. Then Technoblade was making his way to the bed. I tensed up and shrunk back.

I couldn't help it, he may be my brother but he wasn't exactly the number one guy on my list right now. I was pretty sure he hated my guts. Not to mention the last time we spoke face to face with eachother.

"You want to be a hero Tommy?! Then die like one!" That one line had lingered in my head ever since it left his mouth. The last time me and Techno met had been and eventful one. Not the good kind at all in my opinion. And I got the idea that today was the day I fufilled that single line. Today was the day I was sure I would die like a hero.

How could I not when the same man that had said that was walking towards me in this moment. I was in no condition to run but that didn't stop my instincts from screaming at me.




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