Chapter 16

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Techno POV

I felt so frustrated at the fact that Dream got away. And Tommy bringing it up only made me even more upset. I knew he couldn't deal with me showing him I was mad, from what he had shown so far, he can't deal with me showing any negative emotion. Thinking that only made me even more upset that Dream was able to escape because I couldn't avenge him.

I exited the house and immediately yelled in anger. I stomped of towards the forest and started whacking a tree, hoping it would help. Which it did a little, till the tree snapped, then I went to the next. I went through a total of 5 trees. I was about to go back when I heard a loud crash from inside, followed by to thuds. I rushed inside and saw Tommy bleeding in a pile of broken glass, which I assumed was once one of my mugs. His breathing was uneven and fast. He just sat there staring at his finger, now dripping blood onto the floor. I walked over, careful to avoid the glass, and helped him up. I knew he was in no state to walk, as the cloudy look was settled in his eyes. His expression blank.

I carried him to the bathroom and got out the alcohol to clean the cut. The first aid kit on the counter and Tommy on the closed toilet. As I patted the liquid on the cut, Tommy blinked and the cloudiness was gone. He didn't say anything, only watched as I wrapped the band-aid around his finger. They were smaller then I remembered, but that was desires the point. I walked out and grabbed the crutch still sprawled out on the floor, and gave it back to him.

I got the broom as the boy just watched me from the table.

"Sorry'" he wispered " Thank you for cleaning up"

" No problem" I sayed with a shrug.


I'm getting my screen fixed tomorrow, so yay! This part isn't as good in my opinion, but I also enjoy some, in way,  Tommy and Techno fluff from now and again.

Also, I wouldn't mind some suggestions of what should happen with this, cause right now I'm just going off of whatever I can think of.

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