Chapter 17

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Tommy POV

It was finally starting to warm up. The snow on the ground wasn't as thick as it used to be. I finally started to not fear Techno. He was their when I needed, and taught me I could speak every now and again. It was nice not being beat every day. All my injuries healed.

Here I was, in a tree. Not remembering what I was doing in the said tree. But I was certainly in it. I was high in it too. The view was pretty, and the horizon looked like it went on forever. I knew I wouldn't ever forget this view.

Little did I know, Techno had been shouting my name, snapping me back to reality, and I remembered why I was in the tree. I had to grab the paper that had blew out the window when I had opened it. And it partially being my fault, and I was the lightest, it was my job to get it. I saw it a few feet away, on a branch. It looked sturdy enough the support my weight.

But I was wrong.

As soon as I inched my way out I knew it wasn't. But I did feel a little bad about the paper, as it was important to techno, so I kept going. I knew I was in trouble when I had finally got the paper, cause I heard a creak, then a crake.

The branch had given way to my weight, and sent me plumiting to the ground. I heard Techno run towards me, as a pain erupted in my leg. I looked down to see it bent at an unnatural angle. I felt tears come to the corner of my eye, but refused to cry.

"Tommy! I told you not to go any farther" Techno said, I guess I didn't hear him.

"Sorry," I said, trying to stand up. Another jab of pain in my leg forcing my to hold back a cry.

"Tommy, it's obviously broken. Let me carry you."  After some arguing about how I was a big man and didn't need any help, Techno picked me up anyway. I crossed my arms and let him carry me to the couch.

He got me all bandaged up yet again, and sat down next to me.

" It's probably going to be a solid 6 weeks before you can walk normally again" He said with a sigh

"Sorry again for not being able to get the paper" I said, still feeling a little guilty

" Not the time to apologizes" He said with a small chuckle.

2 weeks later

" Tommy, let me help you get the blanket" Techno said, obviously annoyed with me.

"I got this, and besides I'm a big man and don't need help" I said, balancing on the crutches that Techno had from the last leg injury I had. I could basically hear the frustration in his sigh. Making me feel worse

I secretly wanted him to help me, but I didn't want to be a bother. Besides, he's already done enough for me, he didn't need to be bothered because I was stupid, right? So I kept on struggling with the blanket in the closet. Lucky, Techno was in the other room and couldn't hear me struggle with the cloth. By the time I finally got it, Techno already had supper done. I could smell it from here. My mouth watered.

Techno POV

I don't get why he won't just let me help him. It's been like this since he broke his leg. I know he's in pain, so I don't know why he won't just let me help him. But at least he was arguing back again. Flashbacks from the first reunion flashing in my head.

To get if off my head, I decided to go make dinner. Tonight was steak with a side of carrots. I could hear Tommy struggling in the other room, but decided to not get back into the normal "Im-a-big-man" argument we've had more then once now then I heard a thud, as I guess he just lost his balance, a small wimper escaping his mouth. I rushed over to see him covered in all the blankets in the closet and on the floor. His crutches on either side of him. I went over to help him up, but he got the crutches before I even layed a hand on them. He scrambled to get up and pick of the blankets, while I just stood there. Why won't he just let me help him??

"Now what is it?" I asked, looking at him shove them all back into the closet.

"I don't need help." He said, refusing to make any eye contact

"You've said that for the last 2 weeks and you've fallen, what? 10 times already!" It's never going to heal if you don't let me help you!"

"I did this myself, I don't want to bother you anymore" He said, I could feel my heart break a little

"Is that waht you think, that your bothering me?" I asked, a bit calmer now.

"Yea," Tommy said with a small sniffle. I moved closer and hugged the teen, and he hugged me back. "Thank you, also, I think the steak is burning" he said, and I wiped my head around to see the kitchen filled with smoke.

"Oh gosh!" I quickly ran over and opened the window. I heard Tommy laughing behind me, and I couldn't help but laugh along.

He was way more willing to ask for help after that night, and I was glad to.


Thank you CaitlinOMalley9 for helping my with the idea! I hope it came out how you hoped!

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