Chapter 32

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Get ready for a chapter of family fluff!


Techno POV

How could I have been so stupid to leave him alone for even a second with Phil.

I go outside for a bit of fresh air and the next thing I know the kitchen floor is covered in flour, there's some sort of concoction on the walls, , and Phil's dealing with a Tommy apologizing profusely. The only thing that happened to leave my lips were a surprised "HEH!?"

Phil's POV

I knew Techno was going out for a bit to do whatever a blood god does, and I thought this was the perfect opportunity to do this. I knew Tommy had some experience in the kitchen cause of the godly jam the boy can make. So I woke him up once saying my goodbyes to Techno.

We went to the kitchen and I pulled out a cook book I haven't seen since the begining of time (get it, cause he's as old as dirt /j) I had found one day digging through one of Techno's many junk chests scattered in his study. You know, I should really make him clean that. But that's besides the point, which is I'm making him tea cookies. It was one of his favorite recipe's growing up, so why not make it now.

I showed the thing to Tommy and he nodded.

It's sad how little I hear his voice anymore.

We got to work, I melted the ubserd amount of butter and added it to the sugar in the bowl. But as he was trying to get the new bag of flour open, it ripped.

And flour went everywhere. But it was fine, I heard him mutter a few ' sorry's ', but I just brushed it off. Now with a thin layer of flour coating the flour, I continued to gently fold together the ingredients. And sooner then later, we were ready for the next step.

Tommy added the eggs with a stronger than needed crack on the bowl. The egg shattered and the bowl rung out. The sound causing Tommy to cover his poor ears. And in the moment, the bowl tipped. And went towards the edge. I knew it was to late, but I tried to catch it anyway. The attempt only causing the bowl to flip and coat the walls in the still oozing egg and butter mixture everywhere that had a surface. This only cause Tommy to get even more upset. The apologize only getting more and more frequent. And of course, in that moment. Techno walked into the room. Tommy saw this and the panic only doubled in his eyes. 

I could see the confusion on the pig man's face when he stepped through the door, not expecting to see a mess, a man, and a freaking out teenager in his kitchen. He stepped closer and grabbed the broom. 

"Hey," I said calmly "It's okay, we're going to clean up and try again" That got Tommy to calm down and stop apologizing, which was a start. 

We started scrubbing the walls and sweeping the floors. I got the low parts of the walls and cup boards, while Tommy got the high parts, due to his freakish height. Techno used the previously snatched broom and swept all the flour that seemed to manage to dust a little bit of everything with the powder stuff. And after 30 minutes of that "wonderful" family bonding, the room was back to the way it was before the disaster. 

Techno's POV

" What were you even trying to do?" I asked from the closet, putting the broom back.

"We wanted to make the tea cookies that you loved so much when you were younger" I could feel my heart melt at that. I was surprised they even remembered those things to be honest.

"How about I help this time" I retuned to the kitchen and offered, wanting to taste the godly taste of those cookies once again. I saw  a smile slip onto Tommy's face and I wanted to treasure it  forever, knowing that it was harder than ever to get one in the first place.

It was a good night that night. The taste of those cookies still on the tip of my taste buds. They tasted better than I ever remembered.


So, as much as I love this, I can't keep it going forever. And we all know how the one-shots were a bust

So I propose a compromise.

I have this rough idea for a bench trio vigilante AU.

I've wanted to write one for a while but have been busy with other things. So, if you're interested, let me know and I'll see if  I can start on that.

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