Chapter 24

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Tommy POV

I was in a train. It was nice, nothing was in pain. In fact, I didn't feel anything. But it was comforting, like I could finally not be in pain for once in what felt like my entire life. I could finally relax, like I did at Techno's before Dream showed up again. Then it hit me. Techno, I had left Techno all alone again. And, right before I could even feel bad, the train was gone. The only thing that filled my vision was green and gold.

Techno stood in front of me. Tears in his eye's. I was scared, and I didn't know what happened.

"What...." I began to ask, but never finished.

"You were going to die, so I had to use something to stop you." He explained so calmly I got even more scared. He had wiped his tears and his eye's had gone back to the normal way. I tried recalling my memories to make any sense of what was happening.

"I was on the train, then there was a flash and now I'm here." Before I could process everything, Techno was touching my hair. And I freaked out, it had become a habit from dream whenever someone got to close not . My brain automatically goes to them wanting to hurt me.

"Sorry," That's something I don't hear a lot. " But your hair is different right here." That caused me to run to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror, and sure enough, it was different. The only reaction I could manage was a gasp. I ran back, and looked at Techno, then out of no where, I started running. Past him and out the door. I didn't really want to runaway, but this was to much. It was pitch black, and the only place to go was the forest. I had nothing and I knew what it felt like to be attacked by mobs, but that didn't stop me from continuing to run. Deeper and deeper into the familiar forest. For once, I was glad of all the running around Techno made me do, cause now I could find my way even without the sun's light to guide me. 

It was peaceful. Not even the moons glow could penetrate the forests thick foliage. The crisp night air rushing against my face. Nothing could hold me back, I was finally free. From the war, from the fighting, and most importantly from Dream.



Oh no.

All the peacefulness from before was drained from me. My full situation clouded my mind. All my pain flooded my body, and I couldn't run anymore. Leaving me only to my thoughts. Those being what would happen. 

Techno had killed dream for me, used a probably really valuable item to keep me from dying, and all I did in return is run right out the door. He must be fuming, finally ready for me to die like a hero. Out of habit, I ran my hand through my hair, and then remembered, my hair was messed up. I ran over to the small pond in the opening of the dense forest. The moons pale glow reflecting my self back at me. Sure enough, there was abnormally golden section of my hair.

I was to focused on my reflection to hear the zombie approach me. The only thing bringing me out of my trance was it's groans. In an attempt to escape, I stood up and took a step back, completely forgetting that the lake was behind me. And the next thing I know, I'm plunged into the icy waters.

Oh yeah, I can't swim. 


I got my crusty dusty (2007) computer to work, so it should be a bit better for writing these. So expect more of these.

I would also like to take the time to apologize for technical difficulty earlier. I had thought that it had published the whole thing. But I guess I was wrong, so I'm sorry about that.

As you can see, I'm going to continue this for a bit more. I can't just not continue this new, arc? Can I even call this an arc? Welp, arc or not, I hope you still enjoy whatever this is! 

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