Chapter 29

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Tommy POV

Why does this always happen?

It was the middle of the night and I was having a bloody nightmare. Another one of those stupid ones where I end up either dead, or almost dead. And they never get any less scarier. So I just lay there and try to survive through the same nightmare I've been having since the kidnapping. Sometimes I swear I can still hear his voice echoing through my head in a swirl of confusion and anxiety.

I woke up after dying for the 50th time it felt like. The couch was not as comfortable as Techno's bed, but better than the basement.

"You ready?" I was startled by the sudden question from the familiar monotone voice of Technoblade's. Oh yeah, today was the day we were going to my exile place. The place that caused me so much pain for so little gain.

"As ready as I can get" I said with a sigh. I got up and grabbed my cloak and headed out the door with the hybrid in suit. I was able to walk this time, instead of being carried, or using those crutches. We walked for a while, and then the snow slowly turned into the grass that haunts me. In the distance I see the tower I built. I could tell Techno noticed it too, cause he asked me about it.

" I was going to off myself, until I realized that's what Dream wanted." I said simply. I saw that Techno had more unspoken questions, but never asked them. Getting closer, I could almost feel the heat from the explosion, smell the long gone scent of gunpowder, hear the loud ringing in my eyes after the TNT had exploded.

We stood and stared at the sight of it. It was a sad sight indeed. The amount of holes that littered the ground was more than I had previously thought. Two substantially larger whiles where my tent and secret room used to be. The flashbacks of this placed caused me to want to cry. But I refused to, I couldn't anymore. This life was gone, and I had a much better one than ever before. I didn't need no government, or people telling me what to do. I was free! And I was happy for once in what felt like my entire life. And all because of Techno. I took a small step forward and reached out for his hand. Gripping it in mine (I'm not shipping)

Techno POV

I felt Tommy's hand grasp mine. At first I only wanted to pull away, but looking down at his face stopped me. He was smiling, a sad, but still proud smile. I couldn't tell what feeling was more powerful as a single tear rolled down his cheek. I looked back at the sight before us. There was so many holes. So many times TNT had been placed and detonated right in front of my little brother. No wonder he hates loud noises, I would too if this was a normal accurance. I could only imagine the feeling of having to watch all my progress poured down the drain each and ever day. But what hurt the most was not the holes that scattered the ground, but the tower that stood guard over all of them. The thought of my little Tommy wanted to jump off that tower destroyed everything in me. How could Dream do such a thing, break such and inocent soul. I was glad he was gone, glad I finally got my revenge.

But I wanted more, I wanted to hurt anyone and everyone that hurt Tommy in that moment. I wanted to make him the most happiest boy in the world, just to hear the melodious laugh if his ring though my ears. I, no, the voices wanted vengeance. They wanted blood. But I knew I could never. Chase some of the people on that list were Tommy's friend. And as much as the voices craved violence, I knew for once I couldn't do their bidding. So in that moment, the only thing I could do was star in silence at the sight that cause my Tommy to finally snap, and a sad sight it was.

We had started walking back when Tommy said something

"Will you ever leave me?" At first, I didn't know how to respond. And then I knew exactly how to.

"I'll let you punch me in the face the day I do" that made him chuckle. It made me smile. In that moment, I would trade anything for the little boy that grew up in a broken world, where you can't be anything and dreams rarely come true. But at least I still had him, the last person I will ever fully trust. The last person I will ever risk my life for. I will find a way to fix this broken boy that Dream had left. Like a toy a kid no longer wants. But I will find a way to help to the best of my abilities. I'm not loosing the last person I have.


I'm not dead! I've been busy with family matters and streaming. I don't know how many more parts I'll do of this, but if you want more, I will gladly provide!

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