Chapter 30

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Techno is no longer sick, this is a month after cause I don't have time for heling (/j) if you really interested, let me know and I'll make a chapter just for it.

TW, yelling with be present later (just in case)


Tommy POV

How come whenever I try to do good, it always ends up with me either hurt or in big trouble. I mean, all I wanted to do was help with the hunting and gathering that comes with living in the forest, in the ,literal definition, of middle of no where. But then again. It's nice. Jut having it be me and Techno, with no one else to bother us. Anyway, back to the forest

I was following behind, but hidden. Cause as far as Techno knows, I'm at home doing whatever he thinks I do in my free time like he told me to. And if the Technoblade knew I was following him against hid orders. I can only hope to wake up tomorrow to see the sun once again. So I had found a simple solution to my problem. 

The bushes.

You see, the only thing I wanted from the forest were the berries that grew anywhere they could in this icy place. And that place so happens to be the one place Techno likes to hunt the most. And the place where I am currently stalking him. I knew that Techno had certain hunting patterns, and I was getting pretty good at reading them. I could always tell what time I needed to wrap up my picking and go clean up. Now don't et me wrong, as much as I love to just eat the berries on my own, I have a specific use for them.

I use these berries to make a jam I know Techno likes. I see him eat it everyday on whatever baked goods we have laying around the kitchen. So I've been doing this for a while. I still don't get how he hasn't caught on to me yet, but that doesn't really bother me. I'm glad I can be at least a little helpful for something. I mean, I sit around doing practically nothing, probably annoying the crap out of Techno. So, this is the least thing I can do to make it somewhat equal.

I stared getting ready to sneak out again, cause the sun was in the position that Techno was finishing up what he was doing. I had collected all the berries needed and move the bush out of the way. To my dismay, Techno was sitting 2 feet away with a bow pointed in my direction. At the sight of me, I saw relief flash on his face. And just as fast as it came, it went. Replaced with anger. I knew what was coming and I thought I was prepared, but the moment the yelling started, my mind went blank like it used to in exile. The next thing I know, I completely blanked out.

Techno POV

I was going to go back early, I had enough to last us for a while. Besides, today was pretty rough. On the way back, I saw the bush start to move. The voices sayed to get ready, so I did. A few feet away I trained my bow on the now shifting bush. The first thing I see is the blond haired head stick it's way out. I immediately relaxed realizing it was only Tommy, but the feeling was replaced with anger. How could he disobey me! I opened my mouth and started yelling, not even paying attention. Saying whatever came to my mind. I just started taking out all the frustrations growing over the hunting time today. After a while I finally looked over to Tommy. And once again, all my anger was turned into terror.

His blue eyes turned a dull gray, a distance look in them. Like he's looking through me instead of at me. He was shaking, causing the sound of leaves rustling to give it away. Tears streamed down his face in a river type fashion. I shut my mouth and ran towards him. I leaned down and hugged him. He flinched and looked up at me in a face I wish I would never see on his face again. He tried to get away, but I didn't let him. I felt his breath grow faster as he started panicking. I combed my hand through his hair, and that seemed to do it. So I continued, sitting there and calming Tommy to the best of my abilities. He let out a few breaths as his tears and panicking started to slow to a stop. I pulled him away and looked down at him

"I'm so sorry, it was never my intentions to hurt you. I was having a bad day and took it out in the least brotherly way possible." I said, not wanting to hurt him anymore.

"It's f- fine" he said. But I knew it really wasn't.

"Can you tell me why your here?" I said

"You know the jam you use everyday?" I had no clue what he was talking about, till I remembered. I nodded, showing him I did. "I've been sneaking out while you go hunting, and getting the berries. And at night, I make." He smiled weakly.

We walked home and that night, I made sure to watch him make the jam I love even more now than before.


I don't know if I like the ending, but I'm watching MCC and I wasn't really paying attention, so sorry. Just let me know if you want me to change it.

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