Chapter 20

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Tommy POV

It had been almost an entire year, and we still haven't seen Dream. I had finally started trusting Techno, and I think he's doing the same. But I still had dreams, nightmares, about the day Dream would find me. I always wake up in a cold sweat and panting, as the night before the cruel treatment would haunt me.

Techno was always by my side though. Comforting me, promising me that I was ok. And so I never thought that dream would find me, completing the reaccuring nightmare. But, as karma always seemed to, my worst fear finally came true.

I woke up, and yet again, I was sweaty. Another one of those putrid nightmares. I got up and shook off the previouse nights fear. Techno had made me a separate room, near the basement so he could sleep in his own bed. I even had a small window that the morning sun shown through, the snow was pure and white against the glass. I got dressed, draping my newly made cape over my shoulders, it was always kinda cold in my room, but I was used to it by now. The light blue fabric was lined with a heavier, darker, blue fabric for warmth. I always liked wearing it, I looked like a prince. I climbed up the ladder and entered into the main room.

"Techno!" I called, when I heard no response, I reasoned he was just hunting. This left me with an uneasy feeling. Though, I would never admit it to Techno, I hated being left alone. I had exile to thank for that.

I walked over the the kitchen and grabbed a bowl. I had no cooking skills, so Techno always kept leftovers for me to heat up when he left for his hunting adventures. I grabbed the food, and took it out, looking out the window. And I saw it, in the distance. A flash of a nauseating bright green.

I blinked and rubbed my eyes, and when I opened, I could feel my breath quicken. In the distance, a man in green slowly made his way towards me. I recognized that mask from anywhere. A big smile made me start to shake. I stood there, and watched him make his way closer and closer till he was at the door. He burst through the door and immediately had me in his grasp. Next thing I know, I feel something hard hit my head, then darkness spread over my vision.

Techno POV

I had gotten up early and went hunting. I did almost every morning. I walked down to Tommy's room, and considered waking him up to take him with me. But in the end, I decided to let the boy sleep.

I got out to the forest, and saw a whole pack of dear in the distance. And I got to work.

It took way longer then expected, about 2 hours. And in the end, I was only able to catch 5 out of the 10, all the others just barely escaping. And, like a siren, in the distance I hear a scream. It sounded like Tommy. And I immediately started running towards the house. I didn't realize how far I was until I was to late. I got to the house and ran up the stairs, concerned when I saw the small blood trail leading down the steps. I ran inside and saw...

Absolutely nothing.

No Tommy. Only a note.

A note that made me see red.

To Techno.
I'm going back with Dream. Don't take it personally, I did like our time together, but I realized Dream was my friend. And I can't leave a friend behind right? Don't bother looking for me, I went on my own accord.

I examined the note farther, and knee it immediately, this wasn't Tommy's handwriting. After some thought, I remembered where I saw it before.

It was Dreams

Dream had Tommy

Even after all those promises to keep him safe, I let him down. I let the tears fall from my eyes, and fall onto the paper. I was going to get him back. Get Tommy back, and finally finish off the Green bastard (is that considers a bad word?) For good.

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