Chapter 27

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I said it once and I'll say it again, everything in this is platonic, they're brothers


Techno POV

I woke up to Tommy cuddling into me. I couldn't help but smile and I pulled the blanket back over us. It was nice I'll be honest. It was nice to have Tommy back, and to finally have someone else in my house. To have someone to keep me company. I stayed there for an hour more, and then Tommy woke up. He looked up and smiled tiredly at me

"Good morning" He said, all the voices just awed, and I couldn't help but agree.

"Good morning, do you want breakfast?" I said, getting up.

"Pan-" he muttered something else, but I couldn't hear it.

"Repeat that louder please?" I asked, not wanting to sound rude. He still had troubles with me getting angry, and I'm not surprised. That green bastard really messed him up.

"Pancakes" he said, looking up at me. I nodded and headed down the ladder with him not being to far behind. Resently, Tommy had been attached to me  far more than normal. And, once again, it was nice. I haven't felt this since Phil left us all behind for some selfish reason.

That was then, this was now. And right now, my little brother wanted pancakes. I got out the bowls and started getting out the ingredients when Tommy stared added thing together. I was about to stop him when I realized that he was doing it right. He knew exactly what to do and was doing it flawlessly. I never knew he could cook. Infact he looked exactly like Phil in that moment.

"How did you-?" I asked ot even bothering to finish my own question.

"I used to watch Phil do it all the time. So I learned to replacate his movements." He said simply not even looking up from the batter bowl he was now mixing. I stood near him, and just watched. Watched as he did something I didn't even know he could do.

It was when it was when he finished mixing things went wrong. He dropped the plate he was grabbing and yet again, he shattered another dish. This time, it landed near me, cutting my foot. It hurt, but I felt worse. I heard Tommy gasp and look up at me. A look in his eyes that pained everything in my soul. It was fear. Fear plagued his expression. He opened his mouth, but I got to it first.

"It's fine, I'm ok" I said, and got a towel, I placed on my foot and sat down on the chair near me. "Can you get the alcohol and bandages for me?" I asked. Tommy gulped, then nodded. He came back a few seconds later with what I had asked for.

"Your-," he gulped one last time "your not mad right?"

"Tommy, why would I be mad" I said with the quite tone I had only ever used with him. I wouldn't dare elt anyone else see this side of me. Not even over my dead body. It seemed to work, cause all the tension in his shoulders immediately. He got back to making the pancakes while I cleaned up the broken shards.

I'll be honest, those were the best pancakes I think I had ever eaten. Maybe, just maybe, I'll let Tommy into the kitchen more often.


Sorry for the short chapter, I wanted it to be short and sweet.

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