Chapter 25

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I felt the air leave my lungs and be replaced with water. It hurt so much, but I couldn't tell what hurt more. The water in my system, or the sheer coldness. And above all else the only thing I could splash around and scream. This was no "Hero's" death.

Techno POV

 I heard it in the distance. Tommy's distinct scream echoing in the night. It was accompanied by the sound of violent splashing. I knew in an instant were he was, and I picked up my pace. I followed the sound of him struggling to stay afloat. Once I reached it, I saw what had forced my brother into the pond. Three zombies were trying to reach out to the boy without getting into the river. 

He looked over at me and I saw the fear in his eyes. In that moment, he went under, no longer able to keep up what was keeping him from going down. I guess the totem's effects had already worn off. The zombies turned there attention towards me, and in one fluent slash of my blade, they were dead. I needed to hurry to get Tommy out of the water that I knew was freezing. We were in a tundra for haven's sake. I climbed in and swam, trying to locate the teen. I swam around, only feeling like I was wasting time. I was losing time while my little brother was drowning. I'm not going to loose him for the second time tonight. 

I saw a flash of red and white and swam towards it. Sure enough, there he was. I scooped him up and carried him up and out of the water. He coughed out the water and looked up at me weakly. He layed down and closed his eyes. I felt a quick flash of worry until I saw his chest move up and down with each breath. And with that, I picked him up and headed to our house. 

Tommy was freezing and shivering. I unbuckled my cape and wrapped him up in it. After all, my cold tolerance was built up after living here for so long. Tommy had stopped shivering as violently, but I could still feel it through the fabric of my cape. I continued on through the forest, avoiding every mob I could, trying my best to jostle Tommy while making  my way back. I had the forest memorized, so it was simple to find the cottage again. I carried him inside and placed him gently on the couch. I grabbed nice, dry clothes from the closet and shook Tommy. His eye's fluttered open and he looked at me. At first confused, then scared. HE tried to jump up, but was to exhausted. He sat back down and looked at me. 

"Do you want these or not?" I said and held out the clothes. He grabbed them hesitantly and muttered a thank you. Once he went to the bathroom to change, I also got up to put dry clothes on.

A few minutes later he came back out with a pile of soaked clothes. I pointed to the rack I had made, my cape and clothes also being on it.

"Sorry" I heard him as he sat back down, wrapping a blanket around himself. I got up to make tea for the both of us. 

"It's fine," I said with a shrug. " It's  a lot to take in when your about to die, but don't" 

" Your not mad?" He asked, he sounded like he was closed to tears.

"Nope" I turned my back to him, not wanting him to see the scowl on my face. Not towards him but towards Dream, the person who caused all this pain for my little brother. But, I took care of that problem. Dream will no longer be causing problems for Tommy. No,  anyone anymore. 

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