Chapter 22

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As I walked through the bridge, I looked around me. I saw a pit that was so deep, that the bottom seemed to not even exist. As I looked infront of me, there was a room. And I saw a sight that would haunt me forever.

Tommy sat there, shaking and holding his hands. Even from here I could smell the faint scent of burnt flesh.

" Hey," I took a step closer and watched as Tommy once again, shrunk in fear. I took a breath, he looks just like he did when I first found him. Only the bruises were worse, and the cuts slightly deeper. "It's ok, I'm here now, and that green monster," I made sure to put extra emphasis on monster " is finally dead." He didn't speak, only stared at me. And then stood up, but immediately fell back down.

"Woah" I said while catching him from hitting the floor. I was now in the cell, and I could see how small it was. I knew that he was clastrophobic, and I was even more mad at the now deceased man who put him here. I looked down at Tommy and saw just how pale he was. And then I felt it. The warm feeling of blood. I looked at his shirt. And saw the crimson liquid seep through.


I lifted up his shirt and saw a cut on his back. If I looked hard enough, I swore I could see the bone of his spine peaking through the cut up tissue. But I could never stop the bleeding enough the see for sure. I looked at his hands, that were now clasped in tight balls as I did my best to stop the bleeding. They were charred black, and I could tell he had been trying to touch the lava.

TW end

"Dream did this didn't he" Tommy only nodded. And I started Fixing up his poor fingers. "Did you try to escape" I asked, trying to be as gentle as my brain could allow.

"I-" I nodded and he continued. "I was scared, and I thought I could reach through, but it hurt to bad" I nodded and continued wrapping his hands. Once done, I picked him up in one smooth motion. And carried him far, far away from the putrid building. Though, I could tell that it would take just as long to get him back to the way he was before.


Hey, it's me again. I'm contemplating on weather or not I should end the book soon or not. I also have that one shot book (that I need to work on) so I would still be writing stuff. I just don't know where I want to take this thing. So, while I work on some One shots, I'll be thinking on what to do with this

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