Chapter 12

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After the bandage was put on, Techno walked away and came back with a crutch.

"You may have to use this for a while" he says and holds it out. I flinch, but then take it.

Techno POV

The voices wouldn't shut up about the crutch I had in the closet from when I hurt my foot, so I decided to get it. When I held it out to give it to Tommy, the poor boy flinched. My hatred for dream grew, and I guess my fave shown it again, cause Tommy only looked more frightened then before.

"T- thank you" He said after taking it. Yet again, I was expecting his old self to shine through, but it was still the scared shell of his old self that was present. It pained me to think what this boy had gone through. He stood up and lost his balance, causing him to look at me with a look that I never thought would be on Tommy's face. But I guess that's what is lead by what I can only assume was about a year of being gaslighted and constantly beat.

"Sorry" Those words were another thing I never thought I would hear the teen say. Growing up, he never use to say sorry, even if he was in the wrong.

"It's ok, I'm not like Dream" the very mention of the green man made the color of his face drain. God I want to beat that man into a pulp.

"Can we g-go to the tent now?" He asked

"If you promise to tell me if your tired or in pain, and let me carry you if needed"

"I think I can do that" for a split second, I swear I could see a slight smile grace his face. But only for a split second before dropping to it's normal, sad, scared, look that seems to adorn his face 24/7.

We head off into the outdoors, Tommy more equipt for the more mild snow. He points me in the direction and we head that way. Silence and tension was the only thing that followed.

Eventually the snow because a grassland. The trees were birch and oak, instead of the normal spruce I generally saw in the distance. I could tell Tommy was getting more and more stressed the closer we got to the "campsite" he mentioned.

"Hey, you doing ok?" I asked without even looking at him

"Just a little nervous" He said, barely above a wisper. How I miss the old days were I could hear him have a normal conversation from across the house.

In the distance I saw it, the burnt remains of what was once a place of pain and sadness, now only a pile of ruble. Tommy stared at it. I could hear his breath hitch as he looks at the place.

Tommy POV

The place was wrecked, and it was obvious nothing remained in tack. The only change was the portal was back.


Dream destroyed the portal

Why was it moving like someone was coming through?

Why is Dream here?




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