That's Okay, Isn't It?

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In an attempt to better understand Kyo's and Yuki's interests, Tohru and Hiyori found themselves at the school library. It was the only way that they could think of to familiarize themselves with gardening and martial arts.

Tohru pointed to a book on the shelf before her. "That one looks good. What do you think?"

Hiyori bent down to read the title on the spine. ""Fiery Spirit; the Inner Life of the Martial Artist". I don't see why not." She smiled at her cousin. "Although, I can't exactly say I know the difference between a good and a bad martial arts book."

"Fair enough." Tohru giggled. "Why don't we just check it out and hope for the best?"

"Sounds good to me."

They made another stop at the gardening section, where Hiyori picked up a book titled "12 Steps to a Happy Home Garden". As they walked up to the librarian's desk, Tohru grabbed a book of "100 Family Recipes" in hopes of finding some new dinner ideas. She was sure that Shigure would be more than happy to try them.

Smiling, Tohru set the three books on the desk. "We'll take these."

"Alright, one moment."

As they watched her scan them one by one, Hiyori rocked back and forth on her heels. "...Hey, do you think you can become a martial arts master by reading about it?"

Both her cousin and the librarian sweatdropped.

"Somehow, I doubt it's that easy..." Tohru replied.

"Yeah, you're probably right."

"Oh, there you are." They glanced over at the exit. Their homeroom teacher, Miss Shiraki, was peering inside from the hallway. "Honda, there's a call for you in the staff room."

Tohru blinked. Hiyori smiled at her. "I'll get the books and wait for you in the hall."

Nodding, Tohru left to follow their teacher.

When Hiyori eventually got all three books checked out, she left the library with a smile. No one was standing around or waiting in the hallways, so she was left to do so by herself. She decided to take the chance to flip through the martial arts book

"Huh..." She glanced over the first page. "Interesting...I don't understand any of this."

Tohru walked out of the staff room a few seconds later. But when Hiyori noticed the unsettled look on her face, she was quick to stand straighter.

"What's the matter? What was the phone call about?"

Tohru's gaze fell to the ground. She hesitated before she spoke. "...The renovations are finished."


"So, um..."

The living room had mostly been quiet until Tohru spoke up. Sitting at the table with Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure, the girls looked away from the news on tv to share a glance.

"My grandpa called." Tohru said. "He said the renovations are wrapping up."

Blinking, Shigure looked up from his newspaper. "They worked surprisingly fast."

"Yes. The exterior walls aren't done, but most of the work's complete, so it's ready to live in. Grandpa said we could come"

As she trailed off, they all fell quiet again. Hiyori dropped her gaze to her lap and fiddled with the bottom of her skirt. The awkward silence was slowly becoming unbearable.

"Um," Smiling awkwardly, she glanced back up. "We should probably get cooking before it gets to be too late."

"We can scrounge something up." Shigure replied. "Or, better yet, why don't we just go out to eat instead?"

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