Just Smile

635 31 2

*TW: mentions of suicide

"The scariest and the most painful thing is to be hated by someone you truly love."

"For a while, only her relatives were allowed to see her." Leaning back against the wall of the hallway outside class 3-D, Yuki and Hatsuharu were mostly ignoring the commotion the went on in front of them. "But starting today, now that most of her tests are done, anyone is free to visit."

"Oh, yeah? That's good." Hatsuharu nodded. But then he blinked. "...Oh, that must be why Momiji wasn't in class this afternoon."

"You think he skipped to visit her?"


Yuki chuckled. "Hiyori's going to feel guilty about that. But she'll probably have a constant stream of visitors now."

"True. Although..."

They both finally paid mind to what was going on. Unlike them, the other passing students couldn't possibly ignore it.

If you tried, you might have been able to hear thunder rumbling and lightning crackling. There wasn't any storm going on outside, but there was certainly one inside.

With his bag over his shoulder, Kyo found his path blocked by two dangerously glaring girls. Standing in silence, he was sweating slightly -- a sure sign that he wasn't oblivious to his mortal peril.

What was blocking his path, you ask? That would be none other than Arisa Uotani and Saki Hanajima. They stared him down coldly with nothing short of murderous revenge in their eyes. Standing behind her two best friends, Tohru was smiling awkwardly and trying to protest to the best of her abilities. You can probably imagine that it wasn't doing much good.

"...Kyo may have a hard time getting through..." Hatsuharu observed. Next to him, Yuki didn't seem the slightest bit concerned.

Still sweating under the girls' malicious gazes, Kyo lowered his head slightly. "...So, uh...I'd like to...go see her." Within reason, he spoke hesitantly. "So, can I...get through..?"

""See her"..?" They echoed.

Smiling brilliantly, Hana turned to Uo. "Did you hear that, Arisa? It seems that he wants to visit her after all. What a gentleman~..."

Uo returned the beaming grin. "I guess we had him all wrong, Hanajima! What a guy! Doesn't it just warm your heart~..?"

Still standing right behind them, Tohru sweatdropped. "Um...you guys..?"

Their terrifying, glimmering smiles didn't waver as they went on. "If I'm not careful, I might just fall in love!"

"Oh, Arisa, you're wicked!"

To anyone who wasn't really paying attention, their giggles that followed seemed innocent enough. But to those who were watching and to those who had context, it was the exact opposite.

Kyo recognized that especially well. He averted his gaze nervously. "...Alright...If you guys wanna say something..."

The glimmering smiles and innocent giggles were put to an immediate halt. Uo's eyes blazed red as she whirled on him. Lightning even crackled relentlessly behind her.

"How dare you try to show your ugly mug, you sex-obsessed pervert?!" Her roaring had everyone in that hallway leaning back, as if a strong wind was blowing from her fury. Lurking students whispered amongst themselves while watching awkwardly. "I'll end you! I'll hang you high, let you swing, then send you flying, got it?! Hanajima, get me my spear!"

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