What Will I Do?

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"One more thing;" As the bell chimed, Miss Shiraki turned to her class. "Your career plans. Fill out those forms and get them turned in by the end of the week."

"Yes, ma'am!"


"And we'll be having parent-teacher conferences right after summer break. So don't forget to let your parent or guardian know what's up."

Setting her chin in her hand, Hiyori glanced down at her desk. 'I forgot about these...'

A sudden loud crash came from the corner. Jumping in her seat, she turned to see what happened. And then she sweatdropped when she saw Kyo on the ground and his desk knocked over. The cause of this was none other than Uo, who was gripping her stomach.

"If I don't get some food soon, there's gonna be hell to pay!"

Yusuke paled. "A-Are you upset about something, Uotani..?"

"I'm freakin' hangry!" She exclaimed. "I slept in, so I didn't get any breakfast!"

"Okay...but why take it out on Kyon-Kyon..?"

"'Cause he was an easy target!"

"Hey..." Standing up, Kyo grabbed the collar of her shirt with a threatening smirk. Of course, she did the same right back. "If you were a guy, I'd wipe the floor with you for pulling a stupid stunt like that. Better be grateful that you were born a chick, gangster girl."

"No matter how pissed off you are, I know you wouldn't hurt a girl, dumbass. That's why I did it!"

Smiling nervously, Tohru made her way over with her lunchbox. "Hey, guys...Lunchtime? It's lunchtime..!"


They found a quiet grassy spot on the school grounds. The weather was nice and the sky was blue; perfect for eating outside.

Hiyori grinned. "I can't remember the last time we all ate lunch together like this! It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Hana nodded. "It has."

"It's been hard to find the time since we've all been so busy." Yuki smiled.

"Food would taste a lot better without you idiots around..."

"Tohru, Hiyori, have you already turned in your career plan forms?" Hana asked them.


"We handed them in a little while ago." Hiyori replied. "What about you?"

"I haven't yet. I'm not sure what I want to do..."

"Yeah, me neither. How can we decide that crap now?" Uo turned back to Tohru and Hiyori. "Though I guess you two have had your plans in mind for a while, huh?"

Tohru smiled warmly. "It's the same as always! Start working right away to support ourselves!"

"We're sticking to the plan!" Hiyori nodded.

"The workforce...Sounds like a viable option."

"It's not the only one, though." Uo winked at them. "You know, you could always just get married."


"Oh, marriage..?" Hana glanced thoughtfully at her kebab. "In that case, perhaps I should go to college. Then I would be better able to support the three of us..."

Hiyori sweatdropped. Uo deadpanned. "Don't pick out your wedding dress just yet. I had something else in mind..." She pointed to Yuki and Kyo. "Like them getting hitched to these jokers, for instance."

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