"...What up with this sign? Did a serial killer make it?"
"Hiro," Tugging his green coat, Miyumi blinked innocently. "I dunno what these signs mean. Does that make me unsure?"
Sweatdropping, he twitched. "No, Miyumi. It doesn't."
Today was Kaibara's 30th Annual Culture Festival. When the flier was delivered to them, Miyumi spent ten whole minutes begging Hatori to take her. But work came up, so instead she was attending under Kisa and Hiro's supervision.
The sign at the school entrance was...something. Not only were the kanji different sizes, but they were painted on separate pieces of paper arranged to form the words. That's what made it seem like some kind of ransom note. And the sign wasn't even the worst of it. Three noren curtains hung from the sign; one said "men", one said "women", and one said "unsure".
For the record, this is what led to eight year old Miyumi's confusion.
Once they were inside, Miyumi beamed at all the decorations in the halls. Balloons were set up along the walls, signs were placed next to classrooms, and arrows were placed on the floors.
She was all too eager to run ahead down the hallway. "Kisa! Hiro! Come on!"
Walking behind a delighted Kisa, Hiro sighed. "You're the one who needs to slow down. Remember what Hatori said? You're not allowed to run off without us."
Pausing midstep, Miyumi froze. She puffed her cheeks as she waited for them to catch up to her. "But you're both so slow."
Kisa giggled. When she reached Miyumi's side, she offered one hand. "Don't worry, Miyu-chan. We'll get there in time!" She beamed. "Isn't it so exciting? We get to see Tohru and Hiyori in a play!"
"Kyo and Yuki, too!" Miyumi's grin returned as she took her older cousin's hand. "I can't wait to see Kyo's acting! It's gonna be so funny!"
Hiro wasn't quite so eager. "Yeah, it's great. But both of you try to be careful while we're here, okay?"
"Huh?" Kisa turned to smile at him. "Don't worry, Hiro-chan! I know it'll be crowded, but we won't bump into anyone! Right, Miyu-chan?"
Miyumi raised her free arm. "Right~!"
But Hiro was just twitching in anger. Not because of their responses, but because of the the students he sensed eyeing Kisa from behind him.
Before any of them could make a move, Kisa was pulled up off the ground. She squeaked as her hand slipped out of Miyumi's and her scarf fell off her arm. Hiro turned in alarm. "Kisa!"
But it was only Hatsuharu, who held the blushing Kisa in his arms like she weighed nothing. Not that any of them noticed, but the creepy students deflated and turned away.
Miyumi caught Kisa's fallen scarf. Then she ran up to hug Hatsuharu's leg. "Haru~!"
"Careful," He set one hand on Miyumi's head. "Festivals can put students in a braver mood."
Still blushing, Kisa hid her face in his shoulder. "B-But this is embarrassing..."
"Hallo!" Momiji waved as he ran up to them. "Miyu! Kisa! Hiro! The play is starting soon! We should hurry!"
He was pointing a camera at them. Miyumi tilted her head at it. "What's that, Momiji?"
"It's a video camera!" He aimed the camera at her blinking face. "I'm going to record the play so we can all watch it again later!"
"Now, come on, the gym's this way!" He pointed the camera at Hiro, who was clenching a fist with his teeth gritted tightly. "You too, Hiro!"

𝕊𝕡𝕚𝕣𝕚𝕥 || 𝕂𝕪𝕠 𝕊𝕠𝕙𝕞𝕒
Fanfiction"Some people believe that seeing a butterfly is supposed to remind you that your deceased loved ones are still watching over you." In which a girl with reoccurring dreams finds a new home, some new friends, and some memories that she was supposed to...