No Matter What It Takes

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Okay I know butterflies sleep at night but Hana has wave powers and the Sohma's turn into animals so please let's let it be :)

Okay I know butterflies sleep at night but Hana has wave powers and the Sohma's turn into animals so please let's let it be :)

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'My sounds special somehow...if you're the one saying it. When did that happen?'

"Sorry," She beamed as she glanced back up at him. "I can't help it! This is fun!"

'If something will make you smile, I'd be willing to do it over and over again. When did I start thinking stupid, sappy things like that?'

She clapped her hands together. "Besides, I'm looking forward to it 'cause we've never really cooked together before!"

"You're such a weirdo."

"I am, aren't I?"

'Hiyori...when did I start loving you so much that I couldn't stand it?'

Seeing the tears on Kyo's face, Akito frowned. "Are you crying..?" Kyo didn't reply. "You are. What's the matter, Kyo?"

When Kyo still didn't even look up, Akito smirked.

"Don't tell me...could it be that you're in love? With Hiyori Kato?" He laughed. "Oh, that's too hilarious! A monster fell in love with another monster!"

This time, Kyo looked up to glare at him. Seeing this, Akito stopped laughing.

He frowned. "Stop it. Why are you looking at me like that? None of this is my fault!" He slapped Kyo's face. "You're the deluded one!" And again. "Those girls did this! The stupid, ugly, insolent outsiders!"

"Hold on!" Kyo caught Akito's wrist this time. "If you hate them so much, why let them live with us?! Why would you allow them to stay in our lives at all?!" Akito glared at him. "You're crazy -- it doesn't make any sense! What are you -- "

He paused again.

'...It was some plan of yours. You used them. Why...I don't know. But...'

"You...Dragged them into this mess."

"How very typical. You're always so quick to make me the villain, aren't you? Now, answer me!" Akito tore his wrist away. "Do you love that girl?! Well?!"

"Akito -- "

"If you do, then you're an idiot!" He pointed. "What right do you have to fall in love with anyone after you killed your own mother?! You're a monster! An abomination guilty of an unforgivable sin!"

Kyo stared with wide eyes.

"I won't forgive you..."

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